Orange County NC Website
Page 2 of 3 <br />Orange County Parks and Recreation Council <br />Background, education and experience relevant to this board: <br />Teri J. Driscoll <br />I spent 18 years as a stay -at -home Mom many years ago raising my children. At that time I was <br />involved in three schools that my children were attending and always volunteered for the <br />Parent/Teacher Organizations. I was also an officer for many years, serving as Pres,. VP and <br />Sec. for the PTO. I was involved with the local Township Recreation Board where I lived also. <br />Helped organize many soccer teams and schedules for the County where I resided. <br />Reasons for wanting to serve on this board: <br />I have lots of spare time and interestingly, I just had the opportunity to review your brochure that <br />has a list of all the Recreation Department activities for this upcoming fall. I thought there were <br />lots of good events listed there and since I have 2 grandchildren who live close by and visit me <br />often, I thought that maybe I could help this committee out with planning events. I also know <br />that there are vacancies on this committee. <br />Conflict of Interest: <br />Advisory Board on Aging <br />Background, education and experience relevant to this board: <br />I am a former Office Manager of an Assisted Living Home. I served on the Adult Home Care <br />Community Advisory Board. I am currently on the Nursing Home Community Advisory Board <br />and am Secretary. I attend all leadership conferences held by Triangle J. I was just to one <br />yesterday. I am very much concerned about the care of adults in the nursing homes. I have <br />always done all of my site visits and prepare the reports for my committee. <br />Reasons for wanting to serve on this board: <br />See above answers. I had the opportunity to attend a meeting of the Department of Aging this <br />month and found it very interesting. It would relate to my service on the Nursing Home CAC and <br />I feel that my attending the leadership classes that I do and visiting the facilities and it would be <br />another committee that I could contribute to. You may contact Ed Flowers, Chair of the Nursing <br />Home Advisory Board; Charlotte Terwilliger, Ombudsman or Mary Fraser, Dept. of Aging for <br />references. I am certain that they would recommend me for the Board. I have applied for other <br />Board vacancies but would like to make my application to this Board a priority. I am retired and <br />have plenty of time to give back. <br />Conflict of Interest: <br />Supplemental Questions: <br />Work Experience: Legal Secretary - 22 years; Brookdale Sr. Living /High Point Place - <br />Office Manager - 5 years. <br />Volunteer Experience: Duke Hospice, Orange Co. RSVP; Piedmont of the Triad Hospice, <br />Winston -Salem Hospice, 18 years volunteering in public schools and holding various <br />offices - fundraising. <br />Education: High School, Secretarial School, Activity Director Certification for Assisted <br />Living Communities, Notary Public in NC. <br />Other Comments: <br />As Business Office Manager of AL Community I had contact with many adult home care <br />volunteers and thought I would like to do this when I retired; also, I live at Eno Haven, an <br />affordable senior housing complex. I am interested in becoming more involved with <br />issues pertaining to Orange County. STAFF COMMENTS: Applied for Adult Care Home <br />Community Advisory Council and Affordable Housing Advisory Board 07/29/2012. <br />