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23 <br />15) Whistleblower Policy: Each Contractor will have a <br />Whistleblower Policy that requires employees, officers, <br />and directors to practice honesty and integrity in <br />fulfilling their responsibilities and to comply with all <br />applicable laws and regulations. Such Policy must <br />encourage and enable employees and others to raise <br />serious concerns about financial irregularities <br />within the Agency, without fear of harassment, adverse <br />employment consequences, or retaliation, prior to <br />seeking resolution from outside sources. <br />16)Drug -Free Workplace requirement, WIA Regulation, <br />Section 667.200, states that general fiscal and <br />administrative rules that apply to the use of WIA title 1 <br />funds include: <br />(d)Government -wide debarment and suspension, and <br />government -wide drug -free workplace requirements. All <br />WIA title 1 grant recipients and sub - recipients must <br />comply with the government -wide requirements for debarment <br />and suspension, and the government -wide requirements for a <br />drug -free workplace, codified at 29 CFR part 98 and <br />according to 29 CFR 98: <br />(a)The purpose of this subpart is to carry out the Drug - <br />Free Workplace Act of 1988 by requiring that; <br />(1) A grantee other than an individual shall certify to <br />the agency that it will provide a drug -free workplace; <br />(2) A grantee who is an individual shall certify to the <br />agency that, as a condition of the grant, he or she <br />will not engage in the unlawful manufacture, <br />distribution, dispensing, or possession or use of a <br />controlled substance in conducting any activity with <br />the grant. <br />(b) Requirements implementing the Drug -Free Workplace Act <br />of 1988 for contractors with the agency are found at 48 <br />CFR, subparts 9.4, 23.5, and 52.2 <br />Drug -Free Workplace Policy: <br />In compliance with the Drug -Free Workplace Act of 1988, each <br />contractor will have a Drug -Free Workplace Policy whereby all <br />covered employees are informed that the unlawful manufacture, <br />distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of a controlled <br />substance is prohibited in the workplace. The policy will: <br />• Define the actions that will be taken against employees in <br />the event of violations <br />• Notify employees that as a condition of employment the <br />employee must a) abide by the terms of the policy statement <br />and b) notify the employer within five calendar days if he or <br />she is convicted of a criminal drug violation in the <br />workplace. <br />• Assure the establishment of a continuing drug -free awareness <br />program to inform employees of the dangers of drug abuse, the <br />company's drug -free workplace policy, the penalties for drug <br />abuse violations occurring in the workplace, and the <br />availability of any drug counseling, rehabilitation, and /or <br />employee assistance plans offered through the employer and <br />Local Workforce Area Contract Agreement Page 22 of 29 <br />Amended 7/14 <br />