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17 <br />fails to participate without good cause; (2) On- the -Job <br />Training participants will be compensated by the employer at <br />the same rate, including periodic increases, as similarly <br />situated employees or trainees and in accordance with <br />applicable law, but in no event less than the higher of the <br />rate specified in section 6(a)(1) of the Fair Labor Standards <br />Act of 1938 or the applicable State minimum wage law; and (3) <br />participants employed in activities authorized under the Act <br />must be paid wages which will not be less than the highest <br />of: <br />(a) the minimum wage under section 6(a)(1) of the Fair Labor <br />Standards Act of1938,(b) the minimum wage under the <br />applicable State minimum wage law, or (c) the prevailing <br />rates of pay for individuals employed in similar occupations <br />by the same employer. <br />The WIA Contractor, in administering or in operating programs <br />under the Act, assures that training costs supported by other <br />Federal (DOL, PELL grants, WIN, VA, etc.), State or local <br />programs are identified to ensure WIA costs are reduced <br />accordingly. WIA participants shall be encouraged to seek <br />financial aid from other sources and the WIA Contractor will <br />assist participants in the completion of applications. The <br />WIA Contractor further assures that where WIA participants <br />are determined to be receiving other financial assistance, <br />double billing for the same services shall not occur. <br />However, WIA funds should be used in conjunction with other <br />grants and aid where funds from the different sources are <br />used to pay for different services. A Refund Policy shall be <br />established regarding WIA Program /WIA Contractor when the <br />tuition payment was made with WIA funds. <br />The WIA Contractor, in administering or in operating programs <br />funded under the Act, assures that it will administer its <br />programs under the Workforce Investment Act in full <br />compliance with health and safety standards established under <br />State and federal law and that conditions of employment and <br />training will be appropriate and reasonable in light of such <br />factors as the type of work, geographical area, and <br />proficiency of the participant. <br />The WIA Contractor, in administering or in operating programs <br />funded under the Act, assures that all participants employed <br />in any activity will be covered by workers compensation <br />insurance in accordance with State law; or where participants <br />are not covered under the State's workers compensation law, <br />they shall be provided with adequate on -site medical and <br />accident insurance; and that participants employed in <br />subsidized jobs will be provided benefits and working <br />conditions at the same level and to the same extent as other <br />employees working a similar length of time and doing the same <br />type of work. <br />The WIA Contractor, in administering or in operating programs <br />under the Act, assures that no funds available under the <br />Workforce Investment Act will be used for contributions on <br />Local Workforce Area Contract Agreement Page 16 of 29 <br />Amended 7/14 <br />