Orange County NC Website
i~~ <br />>~~~~~ <br />TO: Board of County Commissioners <br />FROM:. Commission for the Environment <br />DATE: February 19, 2008 <br />SUBJECT: Proposed Birckhorn Road Development Project <br />At our January and February meetings, the Commission fox the Environment discussed <br />the proposed new Buckhorn Road development project. In our advisory role to the <br />Board of Commissioners on environmental matters, the Commission would like to pass <br />- --- along the following thoughts an the potential environmental impacts of this project and <br />how these might be mitigated. <br />The proposed development would be located in the Seven Mile Creek area of the Upper <br />Eno Protected Watershed. Our goals are to reduce air and water pollution, and to reduce <br />solid waste as a way to promote a sustainable future for Orange County. We can reduce <br />the environmental impact of a large complex such as this one by streamlining traffic flow, <br />reducing vehicle miles traveled, reducing wastes through less generation and recycling, <br />and encouraging water and energy efficiencies and low-impact design principles. <br />The Commission for the Environment recommends the following: <br />Planned Development Standards <br />Plan and build according to the LEER Neighborhood Development Standard, at a <br />minimum using the current LEED ND pilot standards, or the revised adopted standard,, <br />planned for release in 2009. (See attached LEED ND Pilot Project checklist and FAQs) <br />Transportation <br />^ Include space and parking for a commuter bus line from Chapel Hill and <br />Hillsborough. Chapel Hill transit will need to expand service to the shopping <br />center. Regional transportation planners should coordinate these transit stops with <br />neighboring transit systems. <br />^ Build parking deck(s) rather than use surface parking in order to reduce <br />development footprint, impervious surface, and heat island effects. <br />^ Require that the residential portion of the development be made accessible by • <br />pedestrians and bicyclists - to better apply the concept of mixed use. <br />^ Provide covered bicycle storage in commercial and residential development <br />^ Make provisions for pedestrian and bicycle access for individuals living on the <br />other side of I-40. <br />• ^ Encourage employers to provide incentives to employees for carpooling or to use <br />public transportation. <br />Page 1 of 2 <br />