Agenda - 06-03-2008-5b5c
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 06-03-2008
Agenda - 06-03-2008-5b5c
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Last modified
8/29/2008 7:50:03 PM
Creation date
8/28/2008 9:24:37 AM
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i~~ <br />Reasons to Deny Rezonin.~for Buckhorn Village <br />~' James Carnahan * 122 Oak St * Carrboro, NC 4/26/08 <br />The most important decision to make on the Buckhorn application is whether or not to rezone. <br />Once the rezoning is granted, the SUP details are just that -details. From my perspective they <br />are irrelevant, because the concept embodied in Buckhorn Village is fundamentally flawed and <br />not "twealcable" into something that might work. <br />The key question is whether the rezoning is in the best interest of the people of Orange County - <br />or contrary to them. The argument I and others are making is that it is not in our interest to <br />permit this kind of development, that it would be inconsistent with Orange County <br />environmental and economic goals. It does not represent a project that moves us closer to those <br />goals; rather, it would carry us backward from hard-won progress. <br />In the past few~years significant changes have taken place that call for a serious re-assessment of <br />the means by which we seek to achieve our economic & environmental goals, and what forms of <br />land use best support those goals: In light of the on-going Update of the Comprehensive Plan, <br />and the unfinished COa emissions inventory, rezoning is premature. It is arguable that what is <br />proposed at Buckhorn Village is consistent with the one concept of the Economic <br />Development Districts (EDDs), and entirely uncertain what kind of economic development is the <br />best take in light of the epochal challenges human beings face today. <br />What needs to precede rezoning in the EDDs is, first, the Comprehensive Plan Update; second, <br />completion of the COZ emissions inventory and setting of carbon reduction goals; third, a <br />` revision of the County's Strategic Plan for Economic Development; and fourth, creation of a <br />master plan and design guidelines for the Buclchorn EDD. <br />Particular issues of concern: <br />1) Predicted automobile trip generation of 46,000 daily trips to & from Buckhorn represents <br />significant increase in Vehicle Miles Traveled for the County, with the following <br />impacts: <br />a. Greatly increased COa emissions for a county in which transportation is already <br />responsible for sorrie 49% of county emissions <br />b. The County is already an EPA "non-attainment" air quality region for ground <br />level ozone. Buckhom's huge trip generation will only worsen our air quality. <br />2) County economic, land use & transportation goals & objectives have not been updated to <br />reflect serious challenges of Peak Oil and Climate Change. (See the "Assessing Buckhorn <br />Village in the Context of Global Warming" comments I submitted to the BoCC 2/25/08.) <br />3) Proposed uses at Buckhorn Village are inconsistent with current County economic goals <br />expressed in the 2005-2010 Strategic Plan: [the Plan called for developing a "consensus <br />for these criteria;" I don't know if that was done.] <br />a. County wants to create "high quality jobs" for residents, jobs that "pay well, offer <br />career advancement potential, and offer good benefits." Retail, hotel & <br />entertainment jobs at Buckhorn will be predominantly low-wage jobs. <br />
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