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I~~~ <br />Table 1: Job Creation <br />Source: IlVIPLAN data-ES202, Regional Economic Information System, County Business Pattern, Consumer <br />Expenditure Survey <br />This investment of $138 million in constructing the space will add 932 jobs to the Orange <br />County economy and 400 jobs elsewhere. In all, 1,332 jobs will. be created.2 The IMPLAN <br />model predicts that 60 percent of (or 801) new jobs will go to the construction industry.3 In <br />terms of the amount of sales tax generated during the construction phase, IMPLAN estimates a <br />total of $2.18 million will be generated (see Table 2). Assuming that 40 percent of materials will <br />be purchased in Orange County, approximately $875,000 of total sales tax revenue will stay in <br />Orange County. <br />Source: IMPLAN data-ES202, Regional Economic Information System, County Business Pattern, Consumer <br />Expenditure Survey <br />®verview of Mixed-commercial space <br />Buckhorn Village will consist of ane Anchor Retailer, which will be the largest retailer in the <br />project, along with two hotels, 15.restaurants,. and 55 to 65 retail shops. Table 3 shows that the <br />total expected revenue will exceed $180 million once the development is fully operational. <br />IMPLAN estimated the demand for employment based on expected revenue for all <br />establishments, except for.the Anchor Retailer, whose employment figures were provided by the <br />developers of Buckhorn. <br />2 These measures are complimentary, that is, each measure captures the effects of investment at different points in <br />the circular flow of economic activity. Employment impacts are expressed as the number of full.-time and part-time <br />jobs requvred to produce these goods and services. <br />3 The construction industries that were used in the model were labeled as "commercial and institutional buildings <br />construction" and "highway- street- bridge- and tunnel constntction" <br />