Orange County NC Website
~~~ <br />~ March 19, 2008 <br />1. Will the commissioners require the developers to submit an alternative site <br />plan prior to SUP approval that presents a feasible re-purposing site plan in the <br />event macro conditions like climate change and permanently high gas pices (> <br />$5lgal?) make the current automobile-dependent site plan economically <br />obsolete? Wi[I the site plan requirements include specifications geotechnical <br />suitability of the parking lots and subsoils for future mulit-story building <br />foundations? <br />2. What is the current state of the development teams' committment to transit- <br />ready site planning?. How well-suited is that plan to current transit resources and <br />systems? Can this development induce viab{e near-term transit improvements at <br />its own site and in the entire EDD? <br />3. The ratio of housing to commercial square footage (200-600 units to 1.144 <br />million sq ft) is not sustainable. Much more housing should be available within <br />walking distance of this this project. (s ratio being constrained by Mebane placing <br />a celing on the maximum number of housing units it will annex? <br />4. What are the terms and parameters of annexation that Mebane is placing on <br />its extension of water and sewer service? Is there a maximum number of <br />"annexable" housing units for the EDD and its periphery? <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />Allan Rosen <br />Chapel Hill Township (on the southern edge of the Eno EDD) <br />4307 Infinity Lane <br />Durham, NC 27705 <br />