Orange County NC Website
~~~ <br />3/12/08 <br />Written Comments from Planning and OUTBoard (Sam Lasris) <br />' 1. Is there current data for West 10; and 70 west traffic counts both <br />weekdays and weekends? <br />2. Is there a certain radius or area around and commercial development in <br />which the developers are responsible for road improvements? <br />3.. Exhibit 7 Transportation - On the site plan, there is a stub .out at the <br />south-end what is the significance of this? <br />4. Can developers be required to pay for bikelanes and/or sidewalks beyond <br />the borders of their development. If yes -haw far? <br />5. Wou{d this project become more sustainable of the surrounding properties <br />were rezoned for housing and commercial? <br />6. Why can't the siting of buildings be much closer (denser) to avoid the <br />need for an automobile once one has arrived at this center? <br />7. Which has a smaller carbon footprint _ a parking deck or a parking lot - <br />both with the same amount of spaces? <br />8. Why have the parking decks been eliminated from the plan? <br />9. Does public transportation currently serve this area? If not, will it and how <br />would that be paid? <br />10. If the secondary roads are not improved now to accommodate future <br />traffic (or the anticipated traffic at buildout) who pays to make the road <br />improvements to handle the extra capacity? <br />11. For comparison; what are~the number of daily trips to Heritage Square <br />(Hillsborough), Patterson Place (Durham) and Alamance Crossing (Eton)? <br />12. What financial obligations will the county have at this site? <br />13. Comprehensive Plan Update - Obj ED 2.1 - "Encourage compact and <br />higher density development in areas served by water and sewer." Should <br />this objective be applied to this project and the areas around it? <br />Comprehensive Plan Update - Obj ED 2.2 "Encourage mix use and <br />support walkability." Same question as above. Also think ED 2.5 and 2.7 <br />app~Y- <br />14. Comprehensive Plan Update -page 47 chapter 5 Housing Element <br />"New housing should be located proximate to needs, services, shopping <br />and employment centers...:" Shouldn't there be rezoning around this <br />development to conform to this objective? <br />15. Exhibit 4 - In a period of 100yr drought are retention ponds sufficient for <br />capturing and holding water? Shouldn't a more effective method of <br />gathering and storing water be utilized? <br />a. Appendix D page 6 - Please defina "Internal Capture Rate" <br />16.Appendix D Page 11-Will aligning the development and main entrance <br />with the truck stop and main entrance cause backups on the interstate exit <br />ramps and bridge? Appendix D Page 11 -Shouldn't there be a "truck <br />only/ right turn only" lane on southbound Buckhorn into the truckstop? <br />Appendix D Page 11 -Should there be 2 left turn lanes into the <br />development from Southbound Buckhorn? Appendix D Page 11 -Should <br />there be 2 right turn lanes from the development designated for I-85 / 40 <br />i' East only, onto Buckhorn Northbound. Appendix D -Who pays for the <br />auxiliary lane from the weigh station on ramp to Buckhorn Road off ramp? <br />Buckhorn Village Comments <br />