Orange County NC Website
`7 <br />licensure and shall provide evidence of'such to the County upon request. <br />6. The County shall compensate the Univezsity for the sezvices provided <br />puz~suant to this Contract in the amount of'Forty--Five Thousand Do11az•s <br />($45,000.,00} per year for sezvices provided from .Tu1y 1 of each year <br />through .Tune 30 of'the next ,year Payment shall be made on or about <br />,Tiny 1 of each year. <br />7 The County and the University shall each designate one pez~son as its <br />official contact person foz~ puzposes of'implementing and adtninisteting <br />this Contract„ <br />Nothing contained therein is intended to alter or abzidge the employment <br />relationship between the Uxuvez~sity and its employees or the County and <br />its employees. <br />9.. Any Univezsity staff'providing services under this Contract to the County <br />shall be provided with the University's medical and hospitalization <br />benefits and insurance and be covered by Worker's Compensation <br />insurance or self insurance.. <br />10. Both patties to this contract will adhere to local, state, and fedezal legal <br />xequirements regarding the confidentiality of'medical records, and may <br />enact athez~ contracts or agreements stipulating the specific arrangements <br />for achieving this compliance, <br />11. Thus Contract will be reviewed annually na later than ,Tune 1 for renewal <br />effective the following .Tiny 1, and may be renewed, modified, or amended <br />at that time, or anytime, upon the mutual written agreement of'the patties. <br />