Orange County NC Website
Budeet Recommendations: <br />Salaries: Our operational plan was originally built on the premise that all employees would <br />receive a 3 percent salary increase. Employees have gone nearly 6 years with only a single 1.2 <br />percent raise a few years ago. Insurance co -pay increases and declining benefits have resulted in <br />our employees falling further and further behind financially. We have also seen our ability to <br />recruit and retain talent negatively affected by what we can pay our employees. While the state <br />provided a sizeable teacher raise, it did not do right by all of our employees. The state did not <br />provide enough funding to keep our classified employees and administrators current with <br />inflation (most employees only received a $500 increase) let alone address our recruitment and <br />retention issues. We are recommending that the district provide an additional local raise to make <br />up the difference between what was provided by the state and 3 percent for our classified <br />employees, school based administrators, and central office administrators. Our original budget <br />plan included $1,450,000 to provide all employees a 3 percent raise. Since the state authorized <br />teacher raises at nearly double this amount and since the state did not provide similar levels of <br />funding for other staff, we will need to increase our budget for salary increases for other staff. <br />In addition, the state teacher salary schedule changes will result in a few teachers receiving less <br />than a 3 percent increase. We are recommending a one -time bonus be provided so they receive <br />at least 3 percent more pay than last year. We have also presented the results of a classified <br />salary study and are in the midst of an administrative salary study. Accordingly, we have <br />reserves to address salary equity and market pay issues identified in the studies, beginning first <br />with those most out of line. In total, the district will need $2,500,935 to support these salary <br />changes. Employees receiving local salary increases must have been employed by the district <br />and have started working prior to July 1, 2014. Employees who were new to the district in 2013- <br />14 would receive the local portion of their increase at their anniversary date. <br />Central Office and Transportation Reductions: We do not recommend accepting the state <br />reductions for these areas. As a result, we will need to increase our local budget in these two <br />areas. <br />Teacher Assistants: As previously presented, the General Assembly reduced teacher assistant <br />funding by approximately 22 percent or approximately $800,000. They moved the funding to <br />classroom teacher positions to fund class size reductions at the elementary level. While state <br />legislative leaders stated we could move it back to fund teacher assistants, financially it is an <br />unwise course of action. It is recommended that we accept the state teacher assistant funding <br />reduction. This will result in a loss of approximately 22 teacher assistant positions. We <br />recommend changing the allocation formula to be one teacher assistant for every four classrooms <br />in grades 4 and 5. We would then use the extra teacher positions to allocate teachers at a class <br />size of 24. This is two fewer students than our current formula. Recall that just a few years ago, <br />we were dealing with some grade 4 and 5 classrooms containing 31 students. In addition to a <br />class size decrease, this would also result in significantly fewer instances of 415 combination <br />1 -- 2 <br />