Minutes 04-10-2014
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes 04-10-2014
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Last modified
11/24/2015 11:22:05 AM
Creation date
9/17/2014 8:05:35 AM
Meeting Type
Work Session
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Agenda - 04-10-2014 - Agenda
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2014\Agenda - 04-10-2014 - Budget Work Session
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Michael Talbert said last year, this line was $750,000, and there have been significant <br /> updates to infrastructure. He asked Jim Northup to present an update on this. <br /> Jim Northup said this past year IT had improved its disk storage system. He said the <br /> rapid growth of County data has necessitated the purchase of servers every year. He said <br /> staff is now looking at a two-fold method of PC replacements, including physical replacements <br /> and virtual desktops. He said the Board will probably be seeing a contract for the virtual <br /> desktops in the coming weeks. He said this will mean saving the machines and repurposing <br /> them. He said this is not a cost savings, but is about a one for one. He said the oldest <br /> computers are about 6 and a half years old, and this process will make the oldest computers 4 <br /> and a half years old. He said the staggering of this process, replacing about 20% of <br /> computers each year, has been very beneficial. <br /> Chair Jacobs said the County had a more aggressive PC replacement schedule in the <br /> past and could not afford to keep doing it. He said it is good to see this is coming back. <br /> Jim Northup said he was surprised to see the County edging up in age, but he said the <br /> timing was around the time of a major upgrade to almost half of the fleet. He said there are <br /> currently about 1300 computers, including laptops, and it is easier to manage doing a few of <br /> them every year. <br /> Michael Talbert said disk space becomes more and more important as the County <br /> continues to move away from paper storage. <br /> Register of Deeds <br /> Paul Laughton said this is a preservation fund from a mandate that 10 percent of <br /> register of deeds fees go into a separate project. He said this is $80,000 in 2014-15. <br /> Life Safety—ADA <br /> He said $25,000 is designated for the access doors at West Campus and the Seymour <br /> Center. <br /> Viper Radio system/Communication Systems Improvement <br /> Paul Laughton said both of these items are related to Emergency Services <br /> communications. He said the Viper Radio includes $1 million in costs for communication <br /> towers, and this has been spread out over a 2 year period, with $500,000 in 2013-14 and <br /> $500,000 in 2014-15. <br /> He said the $122,000 in Communication Systems Improvements is to continue <br /> scheduled replacement of the 800 MHz radios. He noted that there is a $920,000 amount in <br /> year 4 for the replacement of the sheriffs' radios. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said there had been discussion at one point about changing the <br /> way the agendas are accessed on the website to allow people to access one item without <br /> downloading everything. She said she is not sure if this involves buying a new software <br /> system or if it would go in the CIP, but she does not see anything in the budget. <br /> Michael Talbert said this item was not included in the CIP, because it did not receive <br /> any votes after the discussion at the retreat. He said if this needs to be re-visited and moved <br /> up, this can be done, but it will require some software and potentially some hardware. <br /> Clarence Grier said $50,000 was earmarked the past two years in the IT budget for <br /> Board initiatives. He said this is could be paid for out of that $100,000. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said she wants to flag this item so it is not forgotten. <br /> Michael Talbert said it can be done, and he will find out what it would cost and bring <br /> that back to the Board. <br /> Blackwood Farm Park <br />
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