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planning partners at this phase to select a site that will be the most suitable and effective for a <br />successful elementary school site. Once criteria has been created, staff will continue the process <br />by creating a series of GIS maps to locate parcels in the search area that meet the list of criteria <br />and analyze which sites may act best for a future land banking site. <br />Future School Site Zones `' -� <br />b) School Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance ( SAPFO) <br />The Schools Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance ( SAPFO) and its Memorandum of <br />Understanding are ordinances and agreements, respectively. Since annual changing conditions <br />of membership, capacity and student projections may affect the School Capital Investment Plan <br />(CIP), a formal annual report is completed each year as new information is available. The annual <br />report and any comments from the Schools Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance partners is <br />considered in the first half of each year by the Board of County Commissioners and "certified" to <br />be formally considered in the process of the upcoming Capital Investment Plan. <br />The City of Mebane lies partially within Orange County and students within the Orange County <br />portion of Mebane attend Orange County schools. However, the City of Mebane is not a party <br />to the SAPFO agreement and therefore does not require that CAPS (Certificate of Adequate <br />Public Schools) be issued prior to development approvals. In previous years, development <br />