Agenda - 09-16-2014-13 (2)
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 09-16-2014 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 09-16-2014-13 (2)
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Last modified
6/8/2015 9:54:49 AM
Creation date
9/15/2014 8:40:51 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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Minutes 09-16-2014
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2010's\2014
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To All External Board Members Appointed By The Board of County Commissioners (BOCC): <br />In a follow up to the April 10, 2014 BOCC Meeting where all of the BOCC appointees to external boards <br />and commissions were invited to attend and share their thoughts, experiences and /or suggestions on how <br />to build a better stream of communication. This involves communications between Orange County based <br />Boards and Commissions, and the External Advisory Boards, which share a common purpose. The <br />Commissioners feel that this is imperative to the goals they hope to achieve. That goal is to share what <br />our responsibilities are an how we can work together for the common good. <br />With this in mind, the Clerk to the Board's Office will be coordinating some building tools, with the <br />existing support staff in our departments, such as, adding External Advisory Board members appointed by <br />the BOCC to email groups setup by Orange County based boards ( for agendas, minutes, etc.). <br />Getting pertinent information directly to each of you, will aid you in sharing information where overlaps <br />may occur. The real focus of the External Advisory Board members appointed by the BOCC, is to make <br />the connection between how the county boards are functioning and feeding that information to the <br />community based boards and vice versa. Each of you may also be asked to attend the same "New Board <br />Member" orientation given to the appropriate Orange County based Board; or to set up individual <br />sessions /discussions to bring you all up to speed with what the county is doing on a particular board or <br />commission. <br />As we all know, there is a fair amount of crossover between what your community based Advisory Board <br />focuses on compared to that of the County Advisory Board. It is where the overlaps exist that your <br />knowledge and understanding of both groups will help pull information to common ground. <br />If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call and the contact numbers are below for individual <br />County departments <br />Orange County Planning: <br />Perdita Holtz — 919 - 245 -2578 <br />Tina Love — 919 - 245 -2575 <br />Orange County Parks & Rec <br />David Stanci I — 919 - 245 -2522 <br />Rich Shaw — 919 - 245 -2514 <br />Orange County Adjustment <br />Craig Benedict - 919 - 245 -2592 <br />Debra Graham <br />Orange County Public Library <br />Lucinda Munger- 919 - 245 -2528 <br />Andrea Tullos — 919 - 245 -2529 <br />
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