Agenda - 09-16-2014-11g
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 09-16-2014 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 09-16-2014-11g
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Last modified
6/8/2015 9:54:59 AM
Creation date
9/15/2014 8:39:24 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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Minutes 09-16-2014
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2010's\2014
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11 <br />11. The Durham City Council, Chapel Hill Town Council, Carrboro Board of Aldermen, <br />Hillsborough Board of Commissioners, Durham County Board of Commissioners, Orange <br />County Board of Commissioners, and Chatham County Board of Commissioners shall <br />serve as the primary means for citizen input to the continuing transportation planning <br />process. During the Metropolitan Transportation Plan reevaluation, citizen involvement <br />in the planning process shall be encouraged during re- analysis of goals and objectives <br />and plan formation. This citizen involvement will be obtained through procedures <br />outlined in the MPO's policy for public involvement. <br />The MPO Board may also receive public input or hold public hearings as may also be <br />required by federal or state law. <br />Section II <br />It is further agreed that the subscribing agencies will have the following responsibilities, these <br />responsibilities being those most logically assumed by the several agencies: <br />The Municipalities and the Counties <br />The municipalities and the counties will assist in the transportation planning process by <br />providing planning assistance, data, and inventories in accordance with the Prospectus. <br />The municipalities and the counties shall coordinate zoning and subdivision approval <br />within their respective jurisdictions in accordance with the adopted Metropolitan <br />Transportation Plan and the Comprehensive Transportation Plan. <br />Additionally, the City of Durham will serve as the Lead Planning Agency for the <br />transportation planning process in the Planning Area. <br />The municipalities and the counties will participate in funding the portion of the costs of <br />the MPO's work program not covered by federal or state funding as reflected in the <br />annual Planning Work Program approved by the MPO Board. The portion to be paid by <br />each municipal and county member government will be based upon its pro rata share of <br />population within the MPO Planning Area, utilizing the most recent certified North <br />Carolina Office of State Planning municipal and county population estimates. In <br />addition, MPO members may also voluntarily contribute additional funds for other <br />purposes such as to participate in funding the costs of special studies, or other <br />specialized services as mutually agreed upon. <br />Funding provided by member agencies will be used to provide the required local match <br />to federal funds. Failure by member agencies to pay the approved share of costs would <br />impact the MPO's ability to match federal funds and could have the effect of <br />invalidating the MPO's Unified Planning Work Program and the annual MPO self - <br />certification, and could also result in the withholding of transportation project funds. <br />E <br />
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