Orange County NC Website
M <br />• Donation - As of June 30, 2014, $814 from Kidcycle, LLC was earmarked as <br />deferred revenue /in- flows, for use in FY 2014 -15. The funds will be used to help <br />supplement cost of care management and program supplies /materials for the Care <br />Coordination for Children program. <br />• Wise Woman Program — The receipt of $6,154 from the N.C. Division of Public <br />Health for "The Wise Woman Program" to provide services such as health <br />coaching, weight management, and health screenings to women participating in <br />the Breast and Cervical Cancer program. The department will also be able to <br />provide additional chronic disease screenings to women in Orange County. <br />• Women and Children's Health — The receipt of an additional $2,678 from the <br />N.C. Division of Public Health to further the Health Department's goal of lowering <br />the number of unplanned pregnancies and poor health outcomes associated with <br />them. The additional funding will be used to support preventative care critical to <br />men's and women's reproductive health. <br />This budget amendment provides for the receipt of these funds. (See Attachment 1, <br />column 7) <br />8. At its March 18, 2014 meeting, the Board of Commissioners approved as part of Budget <br />Amendment #6 the Health Department's receipt of a Meaningful Use Incentive Grant <br />totaling $42,500. These funds were incentive funds provided by the Centers for Medicare <br />and Medicaid Services as a result of the department meeting required criteria for <br />converting its patient management system from HIS (a state run system) to Patagonia, <br />an electronic medical records system. No expenditures were incurred during FY 2013 -14 <br />for this conversion, but monthly charges will soon begin related to this system. The <br />department anticipates future additional funding for this project, and staff recommends <br />establishing a multi -year grant project ordinance associated with this project. This budget <br />amendment provides for the transfer of these deferred revenue, in -flow funds ($42,500) <br />from the General Fund to the following newly established grant project ordinance: (See <br />Attachment 1, column 8) <br />Meaningful Use Incentive Grant ($42,500) - Project # 71131 <br />Revenues for this oroiect: <br />Annronriated for this oroiect: <br />Current FY <br />2014 -15 <br />FY 2014 -15 <br />Amendment <br />FY 2014 -15 <br />Revised <br />Meaningful Use Incentive Grant <br />$0 <br />$42,500 <br />$42,500 <br />Total Project Funding <br />$0 <br />$42,500 <br />$42,500 <br />Annronriated for this oroiect: <br />9. The Health Department has received notification of its FY 2012 -13 Medicaid <br />Maximization Cost Settlement funds totaling $1,113,925. The Board of County <br />Commissioners established a Medicaid Maximization Capital Project Ordinance in 1998 <br />to allow for the receipt and use of these funds. The intent was to save and utilize the <br />Current FY <br />2014 -15 <br />FY 2014 -15 <br />Amendment <br />FY 2014 -15 <br />Revised <br />Meaningful Use Incentive Grant <br />$0 <br />$42,500 <br />$42,500 <br />Total Costs <br />$0 <br />$42,500 <br />$42,500 <br />9. The Health Department has received notification of its FY 2012 -13 Medicaid <br />Maximization Cost Settlement funds totaling $1,113,925. The Board of County <br />Commissioners established a Medicaid Maximization Capital Project Ordinance in 1998 <br />to allow for the receipt and use of these funds. The intent was to save and utilize the <br />