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I Paul Laughton referred to Attachment B, which is a budget comparison by function that <br />2 looks at percentages in the large function areas. He said this fluctuates year to year and can <br />3 fluctuate drastically. He said the capital funding policy has a target of 60 percent of projects for <br />4 schools and 40 percent for County projects over a 10 year period. He said schools are currently <br />5 59.6 percent and County projects are at 40.4 percent. <br />6 <br />7 County Capital Projects: <br />8 Paul Laughton directed the Board to the first tab, beginning on page 16 of the CIP <br />9 binder. He said there are several department heads here to answer questions. <br />10 He also referred to page 5 of the abstract, which lists the following five new projects in <br />11 years 1 through 5 of the CIP: <br />12 <br />13 Cedar Grove Community Center Library Kiosk — includes $180,000 in Year 2 (FY <br />14 2015 -16) to provide patrons an automated material kiosk at the Cedar Grove Community <br />15 Center providing 24 hour electronic access for checking in and out materials. <br />16 <br />17 Parking Lot Improvements — includes repair, resurfacing, and /or replacement of <br />18 asphalt and concrete parking areas, including necessary curb and gutter systems at the <br />19 following locations: $120,000 in Year 2 (FY 2016 -15) at 501/503 W. Franklin Street; $510,000 <br />20 in Year 4 (FY 2017 -18) at Link Government Services Center /Annex and the District Attorney <br />21 building; and 3 additional properties ($2,750,000 in Years 6 -10). <br />22 <br />23 Life Safety— ADA — provides $25,000 in Year 1 (FY 2014 -15) for the installation of <br />24 automated access doors at West Campus and the Seymour Senior Center; $25,000 in Year 2 <br />25 (FY 2015 -16) for fire alarm system improvements /replacement at the Historic Courthouse; <br />26 $60,000 in Year 5 (FY 2018 -19) for elevator improvements at the Historic Courthouse; and <br />27 additional fire alarm system design and installation at 4 locations ($65,000 in Years 6 -10) <br />28 <br />29 Rogers Road <br />30 Historic Rogers Road Neighborhood Community Center— During FY 2012 -13, the Board of <br />31 Commissioners approved the establishment of a capital project for the construction of a Historic <br />32 Rogers Road Neighborhood Community Center with funds of $650,000. For Year 2 (FY 2015- <br />33 16), $3,025,000 is recommended, which represents the County's 43% share of the Sewer <br />34 Concept Plan costs to serve 86 parcels. <br />35 Year two added 3 million <br />(«'! <br />37 Department of Environment, Agriculture, Parks and Recreation (DEAPR) <br />38 Park and Recreation Facility Renovations and Repairs — provides funding each of <br />39 Years 1 -5 for the scheduling of planned renovations and repairs to facilities; a total of $900,000 <br />40 is included over these five years. <br />41 <br />42 Paul Laughton noted that Rogers Road is obviously not a new project, but the specific <br />43 addition of the $3,025,000 in year 2 is new, and this represents the County's share of the sewer <br />44 concept plan. He said the same is true for DEAPR, which includes a new planned project to get <br />45 renovations on schedule. <br />46 He said there are also two projects in the outlier years, as outlined in the abstract, and <br />47 these are the Main Branch Library Remodel for $1,200,000 and the Court Street Annex, which <br />48 includes $100,000 in Years 6 -10 for the replacement of the main distribution panel and <br />49 electrical circuits throughout the building to meet modern standards. <br />50 <br />