Orange County NC Website
MEMORANDUM <br /> TO: Paul Hardin, Chancellor, University of North Carolina <br /> FROM: Rosemary Waldorf, Chair, UNC-Chapel Hill Planning Panel 15,4^� <br /> SUBJECT: Focus Groups for UNC Planning Process <br /> DATE: March 11, 1995 <br /> Attached is a list of potential participants in the focus groups to be organized by the <br /> University of North Carolina as part of the process to develop a long-range plan for the <br /> Horace Williams and Mason Farm properties. <br /> Jay Bryan, Carrboro alderman and chair of Carrboro's advisory committee in the UNC <br /> planning process, suggested that Johnson, Johnson and Roy, the University's consultants, <br /> hold focus groups with a variety of citizens to garner ideas, priorities and concerns. Our <br /> Chapel Hill panel strongly supports this idea, and through this memorandum we are <br /> suggesting citizens who may wish to participate. <br /> This is merely a suggested list, drawn from our files of neighborhood associations, citizens' <br /> groups and individuals who have stated an interest in this process. <br /> The people on this list may wish to consider participating, or may recruit someone from the <br /> group they represent to join the focus groups. I understand that Ted Hoskins of your staff <br /> will be responsible for contacting these groups and individuals and setting up the focus <br /> groups. <br /> Thank you for this effort to extend the community's involvement in the planning process and <br /> to incorporate comments, concerns and ideas from the public as this process proceeds. <br /> cc: List of Potential Participants <br /> Ted Hoskins, UNC Facilities Planning Office <br />