Orange County NC Website
would be organized similar to the Sussex County study, and an outline of the proposed guidebook is included 11 <br /> as Attachment F. <br /> Mr.Arendt has been chosen as consultant for the project because of his national reputation in the field of open <br /> space planning. Evidence of his work may be found in the following publications: <br /> • Dealing with Change in the Connecticut River Valley (Center for Rural Massachusetts) <br /> • Rural By Design (American Planning Association) <br /> • Designing Open Space Subdivisions (Natural Lands Trust) <br /> Because of Mr. Arendt's expertise, and because this proposal is modeled on his work in another jurisdiction, <br /> his involvement would be more cost effective than seeking the services of another consultant. <br /> A summary of the proposed project and expected products is provided below. <br /> • One study is to be prepared using three counties as case studies. Counties have been selected basdd <br /> on willingness to participate as well as location in the Albemarle-Pamilco Estuarine Region. Counties <br /> and the rationale for selection include: <br /> Currituck County A coastal county, located in the Currituck Sound Drainage Basin in <br /> the extreme northeast corner of the state (see Attachment C). <br /> Craven County A coastal county, located in the Neuse River Drainage Basin on the <br /> Neuse River just before it enters the Pamlico Sound(see Attachment <br /> D). <br /> Orange County An inland county, located in the headwaters of the Neuse Riuer <br /> Drainage Basin in the north central portion of the state (see <br /> Attachment E). <br /> A map depicting the major river basins and constituent counties of the Albemarle-Pamlico Watershed <br /> is provided as Attachment B. <br /> • For each county,an area containing valued cultural and natural features has been selected to illustrate <br /> how the cluster development approach would be used to preserve the features. The case study sites <br /> are summarized in Attachments C through E. The actual case studies would include narrative <br /> descriptions as well as site plans and birds-eye perspectives showing the existing site, features to be <br /> preserved,the site developed as a conventional subdivision,and the site developed using an open space <br /> or cluster design approach.Samples of a birds-eye perspective and a site analysis showing development <br /> potential are provided in Attachment F. <br /> • In terms of products, the following are proposed: <br /> o The study, including one copy-ready document for each of the three counties and the following <br /> agencies: <br />