Agenda - 03-15-1995 - Item 2
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 03-15-95
Agenda - 03-15-1995 - Item 2
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9/10/2014 10:45:27 AM
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9/10/2014 10:43:52 AM
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Agenda Item
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2 <br /> want to see package plants or septic tanks in the Secondary II area. <br /> Commissioner Willhoit explained that the plan that will be presented at <br /> the Quarterly Public Hearing will be a phased plan where water and sewer would <br /> not be extended until a specified threshold is reached. He questioned why <br /> Hillsborough would want to wait to provide these services if they had a <br /> developer who wanted to locate in this area. <br /> Town Commissioner Remus Smith stated he is very much in favor of <br /> cooperative planning with Orange County. They only got out of the agreement <br /> so they could consider University Station. <br /> Chair Carey asked that the two Boards focus on where they are and where <br /> they want to go. He would like for them to plan for the entire area and not <br /> just the I-40/Old 86 area. He asked Hillsborough to consider getting back <br /> into the joint planning process so that a Land Use Plan can be developed. <br /> Town Commissioner Smith said he wants to get back into the whole process <br /> except for a couple of points. He wants the agreement to be changed to allow <br /> annexation. Town Commissioner Evelyn Lloyd agreed with this change. He also <br /> would like a definition of "Open Space" . <br /> Chair Carey suggested that a subcommittee review the agreement for <br /> changes that need to be made. These recommendations would then be reported <br /> back to each Board for consideration of approval. This subcommittee will <br /> include two people from each Board, the two Managers and Planning Directors. <br /> John Link made reference to the small area planning process and indicated <br /> that the County Commissioners have a goal to pursue this concept. Perhaps as <br /> this group reexamines the agreement, they can look at each area in the small <br /> area planning process. <br /> Marvin Collins noted that each spring the Department of City and Regional <br /> Planning at UNC-Chapel Hill seek class projects. Professor David Godschalk <br /> contacted him about such an opportunity with the County. One suggestion would <br /> be to have this class do a small area plan for the area southeast of <br /> Hillsborough which is actually part of three small area planning areas. The <br /> students will prepare a report which will be presented to the two governing <br /> boards. They would start in January and finish in May. A work group could <br /> include two County Commissioners, 2 Hillsborough Commissioners, 2 from each <br /> Planning Board, members from the two Planning Departments, a representative <br /> from the Triangle Conservancy, county and city residents or any composition <br /> agreed upon by the two Boards. The starting point would be with the two board <br /> members from Orange County and Hillsborough. It was the consensus that County <br /> Commissioners Halkiotis and Willhoit and Town Commissioners Evelyn Lloyd and <br /> Martin would serve on this committee. <br /> Commissioner Gordon feels it is important that this group try to <br /> define some common underlying principles and then develop a Land Use Plan <br /> and a boundary for water and sewer. She believes that the agreement on the <br /> land use plan and the water and sewer boundary should be inextricably linked, <br /> and included in any resulting cooperative planning document. She does not <br />
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