Orange County NC Website
HOrace. . .we spent $15,000 on a comprehensive study on the logistic <br /> of getter water and sewer and Stoney Creek is in the 50 year plan. <br /> It is a part of the plan in th future and these people need to look <br /> at that it might really be in their best interest . The County <br /> should deal with this and then let the town know what they decide. <br /> Don. . ifnothinghappensin terms of the land use plan and it goes with <br /> what it is and conventional subdivisions we large lots it may not <br /> be practicable to put sewer in. . Alternative systems for land that <br /> close to town is a mistake . CATHERINE MARTIN IS HERE. . . <br /> Catherine. . . this was specific and "hot" issue. Because Univ. Was <br /> jjust finished. . . it is so site specific . . there does need to be <br /> planning and communication. Clarify definitions . <br /> Bill . . we are working on a small area plan from the inside and the <br /> town is working on >>>>we might meet in the middle. <br /> Moses . . . .do we need to . . . thecommittee is working on land use <br /> really and other basic elements on the agrrement . . . do we need to <br /> put that on the table for discussion now. <br /> REMUS . . . .needs definitions clarified . . .h'bro definitions are <br /> different than the counties . . . .Would like to take up Bill Crowther <br /> up on his suggestion. . .Bill suggested that prior to the next <br /> meeting with bocc they come back with a plan. MAY 17th is the next <br /> meeting with H'bro. . . .H'bro has a conflict that will get with <br /> Beverly and changeit . <br /> ROCK QUARRY & I-40 . . . Swanson . . they came to us in late Fall . . . our <br /> Board tabled their request and they said they could come back in <br /> January. . .we have not heard from them. . .Nello Tear. We looked it <br /> in terms of cost benefit and the use of it as a resevoir but have <br /> been on and off it . <br /> Bill . . .we would want to know about that as BOCC's . . That is deep <br /> in our territory. <br /> Moses . Therein lies the importance of the Cooperatiave Agreement . . <br /> We agree on a plan and agree to grow in an orderly manner. <br /> Horace. . . the ability/authority of the town to use it legislative <br /> powers to take in an area either satillite or contiguous and the <br /> county see it from their perspective and we need to look at it long <br /> range. We are growing and the demand for resources is growing . <br /> There is talk of the legislative halls that if you deny people the <br /> use of their land (i . e wateshed) someone must pay the difference <br /> for their land. <br /> Steve. . . our long range plan may be different . MOSES. . . this goes to <br /> the heart of a cooperative agree . You can' t agree to grow <br /> cooperatively and then agree to every request . You cannot have <br /> itboth ways . <br />