Orange County NC Website
ICanirocior. OR.AyGE COU'+T'i �lEa .TH !DE?a� MvT <br /> i <br /> Total Funds 'Blended,'Laveraged Smart Start 7 <br /> ' � <br /> GaAL ACTIVITY: Funds Funds <br /> Description Amount j Amount amount <br /> Psrsonnel <br /> Scicry/Wa eslBeneftts .00 <br /> Professional SerAcw 79,gnn.on on <br /> Beard,member Compensation <br /> her. <br /> i I <br /> Total Personnel5eMcos $26 900, <br /> supposs and Materials <br /> Crice Su Ned and Materaals <br /> Computw Supotles &Software <br /> Janitariat suo Ned <br /> Educational/Medical Su Clles <br /> Automcttve 5u Nos <br /> Cfher. <br /> Total Su lies and Materials $2,000-00 2 <br /> Current Obi! ations I <br /> Travel <br /> Cemmuricatlens(Telephone.Pest e.etc. <br /> utumes <br /> Nntfnc and 51nding <br /> Repdr and Maintenance <br /> Cam er Services(Accting.PWOU,etc.) <br /> Em ee Training 200.00 20 <br /> Advertising <br /> Board Member Expense ravel,Per Diem) <br /> Othec <br /> Other <br /> Total Current OtA atlons 70 70 <br /> Rxed chc5ges and Ex ensss <br /> Ofttce Rent(Land,BOkln ,etc. <br /> FurntRue Rental <br /> Equormit Rental(Phone.Computer,etc.) <br /> Vehicle Rental <br /> Dues and Subscrl dons <br /> in=ane and Bonds <br /> other: ,00 ' <br /> Total Fixes!Charges&Other Exponsos <br /> Ca list <br /> outlay <br /> Land/BuHdin <br /> Ofnce FUrntture nn 00 <br /> Camp uter Equipment <br /> Vehicles <br /> Books Cutircry Reference Materials) <br /> Other: <br /> jinn nn <br /> Total Czpffcl Outlay <br /> Total con'tracts and Gant: <br /> Total Purchases d Services Costs <br /> Total Budgeted Ex endlture $32,890.00 $32 890.00 <br /> 'Please Identtfy source cf blended/levarcged tund►ng on on attached sheet. <br />