Orange County NC Website
9 <br />C. Audience - Employees <br />Message - Relevant information to make sure employees are knowledgeable <br />about Orange County policies and the major issues facing Orange <br />County government. Employees are ambassadors for the County and <br />can only do their job if they have the relevant information. <br />COMMUNICATIONS TOOLS - TBD <br />Guidelines - Utilize the widest possible variety of communications methods <br />and vehicles. <br />Tailor the communication tools to the target audience <br />List of Tools - TBD, but the list provided by David Hunt could be a starting point. <br />STRATEGY/ DELIVERY - TBD <br />Guidelines - Provide for three categories <br />Strategies for ongoing communications <br />Strategies for crises or emergencies <br />Strategies for fast - breaking, controversial or complicated issues <br />STAFFING (ROLES) - TBD <br />TIMELINE (PRIORITIES) - TBD <br />EVALUATION - TBD <br />