Orange County NC Website
(Ord. of 06 -07 -1976, eff. 08 -01 -1976, Amend. of 10 -18 -1994, Art. /// § 6.0, eff. 12 -01 -1994, Amend. of 03- <br />21 -1995, eff. 04 -01 -1995, Amend. of 01 -18 -2001, eff. 01 -18 -2001, Amend. of 06 -23 -2003, eff. 07 -01 -2003, <br />Amend. of 09 -02 -2010, eff. 09 -02 -2010) <br />Further, the temporary position is designated with an object code and is defined as <br />follows.. <br />• Temporary (object code: 511000) — employed for a special project/task or other <br />work of a temporary nature, performs temporary duties or fills permanent position <br />vacancy on a temporary basis; can be part time of full time, paid by hours worked <br />• Time - limited temporary (object code: 511001) — employed for a special <br />project/task for a pre- determined time beyond 12 months; employment <br />contingent upon continuation of project/task, including funding, beyond 12 month <br />period; paid by hours worked. <br />• Seasonal (object code: 511002) — employed for a defined period of time ranging <br />from two to eight months per year, performs duties interrupted by the seasons; <br />positions filled from year -to -year on seasonal basis and vacant during off - season; <br />can be part -time or full -time <br />• Student Interns (object code: 511003) — employee qualifies as student because <br />he /she has been accepted in or is currently enrolled in an accredited school, <br />college, or university; performs duties on a part -time basis in order to gain <br />practical knowledge in their field if study; usually works less than 20 hours per <br />week. <br />