Orange County NC Website
(g) <br />(4 ) <br />(5) <br />assignments among internal staff and /or hire external staff or <br />contractors to enable services to continue. <br />If a current permanent employee is designated as acting for a <br />position at a higher salary grade than his or her current position, the <br />salary paid to the employee selected to serve shall be adjusted to the <br />hiring rate of the new range assigned, or to a salary within the range <br />that provides a minimum of five percent increase in pay. <br />If a department head or division head continues on leave beyond six <br />months, the County Manager or designee (or in the case of the <br />Health or Social Services Director, the appropriate Board) initiates <br />discussions with the department head or division head on leave as to <br />long term outlook for return to work and seeks to develop a more <br />definitive long term coverage plan based on this information. <br />Appointment of Incumbents and Others to Vacant Positions. When a vacancy <br />exists in a position within County government and the County Manager <br />determines that a bona fide need exists such as: <br />(1) <br />(2) <br />(3) <br />(4) <br />(5) <br />(6) <br />(7) <br />To reduce the budget; <br />Avoid a reduction in force; <br />Disciplinary transfers or demotions; <br />Transfer of an employee to avoid the threat of bodily harm; <br />To prevent work stoppage in constant demand situations; <br />A legally binding settlement agreement; or <br />To protect the public health, safety, or security <br />The County Manager (or in the case of the Health Director or Social Services <br />Director, the appropriate Board) may appoint either an incumbent person staffing the <br />position or another employee within the County to the position provided they meet <br />the minimum qualification required for the position. In the case of incumbent person <br />staffing a key position the person must also have served in the position satisfactorily <br />for at least a six month period. <br />