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n <br />9 <br />ATTACHMENT B: Staff - Recommended Bus Service Expansion Program Summary - Option #2 <br />Option #2 - OPT 5 -Year Bus Service Expansion Recommendation Notes <br />1) Northeastern, Northwestern and Southern County Zonal Routes — Routes would tentatively come online <br />early 2015, would be two (2) days per week on a Monday and Thursday or Tuesday and Friday schedule for <br />each respective zone running up to five (5) hours per day with one (1)- to two (2) -hour headways during off- <br />peak periods, and would run a fixed -route or deviated fixed -route schedule. The results of additional public <br />outreach conducted in August 2014 indicated a demand among rural residents for a more certain fixed -route <br />schedule as opposed to a demand - response method. The route would connect rural residents in northern <br />and southern Orange County to destinations and additional transit connections in Mebane, Hillsborough, <br />Chapel Hill and Durham. The service would involve a nominal fare for general public riders (with the <br />possibility of vouchers issued to low- income riders who qualify for other services with the Department of <br />Social Services. <br />2) Later Senior Center Service — Route would tentatively come online in early 2015, would be a daily weekday <br />service running approximately three (3) hours per day (two, 1.5 -hour run time structured routes), and would <br />run a deviated fixed route or point- deviated demand response schedule. The route would provide later <br />service from Orange County senior centers (with an emphasis on the Central Orange Senior Center) beyond <br />times the service is currently provided. The service would be fare -free. Orange County Planning and <br />Inspections and Department on Aging staff have secured grant funding to cover this service for FY 2016 <br />from another source and will continue to pursue the same grant funding for this service in subsequent years. <br />3) US 70 Midday Service — Route would tentatively come online in early 2015, would be a daily weekday fixed - <br />route service running approximately five (5) hours per day during off -peak periods with one (1) -hour <br />headways per direction and a total 30- minute directional run time. The route would connect <br />Mebane /Buckhorn and Efland with destinations and additional transit connections in Hillsborough. This <br />concept would not connect to DukeNA Hospital in Durham. The service would involve a nominal fare if OPT <br />is able to position itself to accept fare cards used by Triangle Transit customers with the possibility of <br />vouchers issued to low- income riders who qualify for other services with the Department of Social Services. <br />This service is being designed to correspond with and complement Triangle Transit's proposed peak period <br />Orange- Durham Express (ODX) service. <br />4) Route 420 Expansion — Route would tentatively come online in early 2015, would be a daily weekday <br />service running up to an additional six (6) hours per day (three [3] hours each northbound and southbound) <br />with one (1) -hour headways, and would run a fixed -route schedule. This is in addition to the existing three <br />(3) service hours per day currently run by the midday Route 420; the full service schedule would involve a <br />total of nine (9) midday service hours. This assumes a one (1) -hour run time each way. The existing Route <br />420 would be expanded to connect Cedar Grove with destinations and additional transit connections in <br />Hillsborough and would continue on to destinations and additional transit connections in Chapel Hill. The <br />service would involve a nominal fare if OPT is able to position itself to accept fare cards used by Triangle <br />Transit customers with the possibility of vouchers issued to low- income riders who qualify for other services <br />with the Department of Social Services. <br />5) Hillsborough Circulator with Additional Noon Hour Service — Route would begin using OPT OCBRIP funding <br />July 2015 and would continue the existing Hillsborough Circulator service with an additional hour added for <br />12pm -1 pm. The service would involve a nominal fare if OPT is able to position itself to accept fare cards <br />used by Triangle Transit customers with the possibility of vouchers issued to low- income riders who qualify <br />for other services with the Department of Social Services. <br />