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3 <br />• Option #2 involves one -hour directional headways for the U.S. 70 midday service and <br />provides a fixed -route connection among Mebane, Hillsborough and Efland, whereas <br />Option #1 involves two -hour directional headways and an extended connection to <br />Durham; and <br />• Option #2 does not provide the Efland- Hillsborough commuter loop service, whereas <br />Option #1 does. <br />The presentation will also include follow -up information to specific questions asked by Board <br />members at the June 17, 2014 meeting in response to the original presentation of the draft bus <br />service expansion program options. Other policy decisions that must be made as part of the <br />program, such as the collection of fares and minimum service standards, will also be discussed. <br />Bus Capital Availability <br />It has become apparent from the North Carolina Department of Transportation, Public <br />Transportation Division (NCDOT -PTD) that OPT will not be able to make use of the new buses it <br />has requested that are essential to providing these expanded services until winter 2015. <br />Consequently, the County and OPT have more time than originally anticipated to finalize the bus <br />service expansion program before implementation. However, certain steps in the transit service <br />planning process that must be undertaken before program execution cannot be completed until <br />a bus service expansion program is endorsed. <br />Next Steps for BOCC <br />If the BOCC chooses to indicate a preference for an option for OPT's expansion concepts, <br />Orange County planning staff will develop and draft more detailed service design characteristics <br />(i.e., service times, stop locations, bus capital programming, etc.) for inclusion in OPT's <br />Community Transportation Service Plan (CTSP), which will return for the BOCC's consideration <br />and approval at a future regular meeting. <br />Public outreach, education, and marketing of these new routes will be ongoing over the next <br />several months prior to and during the initiation of service. Results of prior public outreach <br />conducted by both Orange County and Triangle Transit staff are accessible using the following <br />link: <br /> 40617. pdf <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: Although this item does not have an immediate financial impact, the <br />associated activity relates to the process to expend half -cent transit sales tax revenue and the <br />$7 county vehicle registration fees. The expansion of the proposed OPT services is to be <br />financially supported in full by these revenue sources. The $3 increase to the TTA regional tag <br />fee will begin affecting residents in October 2014. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends the Board: <br />1. Receive the presentation; and <br />2. Discuss as necessary the proposed program Options #1 and #2 (Attachments A and B) <br />and consider providing feedback indicating a preference for one of the options, or a <br />combination thereof, if deemed appropriate. <br />