Orange County NC Website
All County departments will be worked with to identify current and future space needs, and <br /> participation from other departmental representatives will be requested based on study focus <br /> throughout the process. <br /> Chair Jacobs noted that the Board did a total revamp of the space study in 2006. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier suggested inclusion of the Sheriff's department as part of the <br /> work group. She noted that the new jail is being built, and the sheriff's office uses space, and <br /> she feels they need to be included. <br /> Chair Jacobs said there were discussions in the jail alternatives workgroup about what <br /> will be done with the old jail, and that is certainly relevant to this discussion. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said staff is proposing a draft plan be brought back March, <br /> 2015. She would like to see a staff progress report in late October or early November. <br /> Wayne Fenton said this can be done. <br /> Chair Jacobs said he spoke to Peter Sandbeck, who is a cultural resources specialist <br /> for the County. He said Peter Sandbeck takes a little different view about records retention. <br /> Chair Jacobs said we can't destroy our present history fast enough, and we have almost no <br /> retention of what is going on now. He would like to encourage the group to include Peter <br /> Sandbeck in the records retention discussion. <br /> Chair Jacobs referred to page 8, and said there were some expressed needs for <br /> recreation space at the Whitted Campus. He said there is no work group emphasis on this in <br /> their proposal. He suggested this be included. <br /> Chair Jacobs said he does not understand why Economic Development is part of the <br /> southern campus planning, but he is sure this will be explained at some point in the future. <br /> Chair Jacobs said there has been a fair amount of discussion over the years about <br /> whether or not the visitor's bureau is in the best location. He would like to see this discussed. <br /> He compared this to the discussion of the Skill's Development Center, and it's effectiveness <br /> since the relocation of Durham Tech. He would like for there to be some conversation about <br /> this. <br /> Chair Jacobs referred to the section on aging and noted the emphasis on Southern <br /> Campus planning. He said he has heard there is just as much stress on the Central Orange <br /> Senior Center as there is on the Seymour Center. He wants to make sure both of these are <br /> considered. <br /> Wayne Fenton said both locations will be included. <br /> Commissioner Gordon asked about the needs addressed within the proposed FY 2014- <br /> 19 CIP for parks operation. She asked if this is related to the 5 year plan that includes the <br /> Revere Road campus. She said all that remains are the recreation space needs in Whitted. <br /> Wayne Fenton said the previous discussion on the Whitted facility was regarding the <br /> fact that there will be unassigned space after the development of the Board's meeting rooms. <br /> He said there was some discussion with the Department of Environment, Agriculture, Parks <br /> and Recreation (DEAPR) staff about the opportunity of using some of that space. He said <br /> DEAPR staff had proposed moving some of their office staff from the Central Recreation <br /> facility to free up space at that facility, rather than having programming in both buildings. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said she wanted to make sure the dental was included in the <br /> personal health and dental, and that the recent numbers requested by Chair Jacobs for the <br /> dental service were considered. <br /> Commissioner Gordon asked for clarification regarding the reference to a potential <br /> Skills Development Center. <br /> Wayne Fenton said attachment 2 was intended to identify the current location of <br /> departmental space and where departments have recently moved to and from. He said the <br /> idea was to identify everywhere that each department has had a presence. <br />