Orange County NC Website
A motion was made by Commissioner Pelissier, seconded by Commissioner McKee to <br /> approve the resolution of Intent. <br /> VOTE UNANIMOUS <br /> PUBLIC COMMENT <br /> Chair Coffey thanked the Board for making tough decisions. She said the school <br /> system is grateful for the additional funding. She said some outside observers may not <br /> understand what fully funding the school's request means. She said this is not a windfall. She <br /> said the state budgets do not fund the daily membership increases, and these must be met on <br /> the local side. She said there is still uncertainty in Raleigh, and the state budget is still not <br /> certain. She feels there will be more cuts and less funding. She said the most impactful cut is <br /> in the reduction of teacher assistants, and the proposed house bill would result in a reduction <br /> in excess of$300,000 for teacher assistants. She said the Senate reduction would be $1.1 <br /> million in teacher assistant funding. She said there are tough decisions to make in the budget <br /> and the Board has helped the school make those difficult decisions. She expressed <br /> appreciation for the support and said without this support the cuts from Raleigh would have a <br /> much tougher impact. <br /> Chair Bedford echoed Chair Coffey's words. She expressed appreciation for this <br /> budget. She recognized that the increased taxes will be a sacrifice for many residents, and she <br /> pledged that the board will do their best to fund the programs and close the achievement gap <br /> within their district. She said the increase in taxes really will help schools teach in a <br /> heterogeneous setting versus the old tracking method, which will benefit all children. <br /> Chair Jacobs said there have been more than $42 million in cuts to education in the two <br /> school systems. <br /> Clarence Grier reviewed the following information: <br /> Fiscal Year 2014-15 <br /> Budget Ordinance <br /> Orange County, North Carolina <br /> Be it ordained by the Board of Commissioners of Orange County <br /> Section I. Budget Adoption <br /> There is hereby adopted the following operating budget for Orange County for this fiscal year <br /> beginning July 1, 2014 and ending June 30, 2015, the same being adopted by fund and <br /> activity, within each fund, according to the following summary: <br /> Current Interfund Fund Total <br /> Fund Balance <br /> Revenue Transfer Appropriated Appropriation <br /> $189,307,16 <br /> General Fund 8 $1,052,600 $10,068,343 $200,428,111 <br />