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that it was reasonable for urban residents to pay for these centers because they could use <br /> them, and it allowed for the potential of a pay-as-you-throw option in the future. He said the <br /> more options offered at the convenience centers, the more people who will use them. <br /> Chair Jacobs said there needs to be a discussion at their retreat about taxes. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said there are two issues here. She said the Board could first <br /> decide how to fund recycling and then as part of the budget, whether to raise the SWCC fees. <br /> She said this second part could be part of a budget session, and it does not have to be <br /> decided tonight. <br /> Commissioner porosin said he is happy to support option 1 tonight on the landfill <br /> reserves, but he feels it is a bad idea to talk about funding services based on who uses them. <br /> He said this undermines the idea of community and what is important collectively, and he feels <br /> it is not economically or socially progressive. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Rich, seconded by Commissioner Price for the <br /> Board to fund the Rural Curbside Recycling Program by using $728,260 of Solid Waste <br /> Unrestricted Reserves for Fiscal 2014/2015 (Option 1-- Fund Rural Curbside Recycling <br /> Program for Fiscal 2014/2015 with Landfill Reserves. To fund$728,260 from Solid Waste <br /> Unrestricted Reserves which were $3,082,630 as of June 30, 2013.) <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> g_ Oranqe County's Reprioritization of Transportation Proiects for the Durham- <br /> Chapel Hill-Carrboro Metropolitan Planninq Orqanization and the Trianqle <br /> Area Rural Planninq Orqanization (9:45-10:00) <br /> The Board considered two (2) resolutions (Attachments 1 and 4) reconfiguring two (2) <br /> priority lists of transportation projects within the Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro Metropolitan <br /> Planning Organization (DCHC MPO) and the Triangle Area Rural Planning Organization <br /> (TARPO) planning areas for consideration of inclusion in the 2016-2022 Statewide <br /> Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). <br /> Bret Martin said at the BOCC's November 19, 2013 meeting, the BOCC considered and <br /> approved two lists of priority transportation projects incorporating all modes to submit to <br /> TARPO and the DCHC MPO for the portion of Orange County within those organizations' <br /> respective planning areas. He said these lists were subsequently submitted to each <br /> transportation planning organization for submission to the State for scoring. It was determined <br /> at the November 19, 2013 meeting by the BOCC that the transportation priority lists for <br /> TARPO and the DCHC MPO should be revisited upon receipt of the State scores for each <br /> project to evaluate whether the projects should be reprioritized with the benefit of knowing their <br /> respective scores. He said these lists were meant for scoring by the State to be included in <br /> the STIP. <br /> Bret Martin said since the BOCC's approval of the priority lists in November 2013, both <br /> TARPO and DCHC MPO have developed and approved project ranking methodologies that <br /> prescribe how each organization's local input points will be assigned to projects. He said the <br /> DCHC MPO's project ranking policy is data-driven, but leaves open the possibility for the MPO <br /> board to make changes based on factors such as geographic equity, knowledge of local <br /> jurisdictional needs, public input, coordination with division engineers, and maximization of <br /> the MPO's opportunities for receiving funding. He said that the only thing that can change the <br /> output of the MPO scoring is if the MPO board acts on those considerations. He said there is <br /> a value in doing this, because it institutionalizes the County's project priorities moving forward. <br /> Bret Martin said the only DCHC MPO project that appears likely to be funded is the <br /> Orange Grove Road extension project from South Churton Street to US 70 Business. He said <br />