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this is good, but he would suggest that the Board pare this down to the priority issues. He said <br /> the County is the lead on most solid waste items and should act as the lead. He is open to the <br /> suggestion of having more than two residents, but he would suggest that the Board of County <br /> Commissioners appoint the residents, not the solid waste board itself. <br /> Commissioner porosin said he will not support any group that does not involve <br /> residents. He feels this is shortsighted and a mistake. He said the list of bullet points contains <br /> some items that are high priority, but he also thinks it would be a mistake to exclude some of <br /> the long term items. He said these options keep getting put off. He said there seems to be <br /> some consensus on having a broad strategy with different priority levels. He said the idea of a <br /> transfer station has been mentioned as a high priority, but treatment of communities impacted <br /> by the siting of facilities has not been listed as a high priority. He said these two priorities are <br /> linked. He said there are some immediate needs with virtually unanimous agreement; but the <br /> recognition of the need for a broader scope seems logical to him. He appreciates the concern <br /> with a broad list, but he thinks this group will be required to prioritize based on the timetable <br /> and the issues that are pressing. <br /> Commissioner Rich asked if one of the Commissioners would be the Chair of this <br /> group. Chair Jacobs said this is undefined as of yet. <br /> Commissioner Rich said she would like one of the Board of County Commissioners to <br /> be the Chair. She said she also agrees that there should be a larger representation of <br /> residents. She can see the benefits of both arguments being presented tonight. She said <br /> there needs to be a solid waste plan moving into the future. She thinks everything should be <br /> on the table, and the group should be allowed to decide on the pressing issues to be brought <br /> back. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said she agrees with the concerns expressed by Commissioner <br /> McKee and Commissioner Pelissier. She thinks there should perhaps be a short term task <br /> force. She said there need to be focused goals to include: recycling, interlocal agreement, and <br /> the transfer station site. She thinks that the Board of County Commissioners should make the <br /> resident appointments, and one of the Board of County Commissioners should be the Chair. <br /> She noted that the County will have the budgetary responsibility for this, so it is important to <br /> have financial constraint on the charge. She said she worked on a lot of agreements, and this <br /> list would take a long time to get through. She said an overall plan is needed, but there should <br /> be reasonable phasing with high priority items. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier said she would rather there be a work group to come up with a <br /> plan to proceed, including plans for what kind of the advisory board is needed to move <br /> forward. She would like to see the County work with the municipalities to create an interlocal <br /> agreement before doing a solid waste advisory group. She said perhaps this could include <br /> some of the immediate short term issues related to recycling. <br /> Commissioner McKee asked if Commissioner Pelissier is suggesting that they work on <br /> an interlocal agreement first. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier said yes. She said this would define the role of an advisory <br /> group, as well as short and long term goals. <br /> Chair Jacobs said the interlocal agreement was difficult to come up with at the staff <br /> level because some of these short term issues are not resolved. He said that is why this <br /> proposal was brought forward in the first place. <br /> Commissioner Price said this issue keeps coming up, and she likes the idea of coming <br /> up with an advisory group that begins to look at the entire picture. She agrees that there <br /> needs to be more citizen representation, and if there was a limit to the total number she would <br /> rather there be fewer government representatives to allow more citizen involvement. <br />