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Commissioner Gordon noted that the Commissioners have an email at their places with <br /> her suggestion and staff responses. She is concerned about high intensity uses in the Rural <br /> Buffer. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said she suggested the addition of language to the JPA. She <br /> said the attorney said it was fine to add clarification, and planning staff said this was workable; <br /> however, this would have to go before the boards. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said this would only be a change to page 9 of the packet, in the <br /> blue sentence that is right before item C. She suggested adding language that refers to the <br /> agricultural support uses as "those allowable in the Rural Buffer that are permitted through the <br /> ASE-CZ." <br /> Michael Harvey said staff has provided a response. He said the joint planning land use <br /> plan is just a plan. He said the document spelling out allowable or unpermitted uses is the <br /> UDO, and the existing language achieves what Commissioner Gordon is looking for. He said <br /> the agricultural support enterprises conditional zoning district is a floating district, and it is only <br /> applied when someone makes application for it. He said there is a specific set of allowed <br /> uses, and if it not listed as permitted, then it is not noted as permitted in that particular district. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon to modify the language to include "or <br /> those agricultural support uses allowable in the Rural Buffer that are permitted" to the end of <br /> the blue text on page 9 of the abstract. <br /> No second. Motion fails. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Pelissier, seconded by Commissioner McKee for <br /> the Board to: <br /> 1. Deliberate as necessary on the proposed amendments to the Joint Planning Land Use <br /> Plan and Agreement, <br /> 2. Decide accordingly and/or adopt the Resolution contained in Attachment 1 which approves <br /> the amendments to the Joint Planning Land Use Plan and Agreement. <br /> Chair Jacobs referred to page 9, where the Rural Buffer is essentially defined. He said <br /> he is opposed to the definition of Rural Buffer as a "low-density area consisting of single-family <br /> homes." He said there are other uses that are specified, such as farms, resource conservation <br /> areas and natural areas. He feels the listed definition is oversimplified and inaccurate. <br /> Michael Harvey referred to page 57, which breaks the Rural Buffer into individual land <br /> use categories. He said the Rural Buffer is a generic term that refers to an area of the County <br /> that is composed of 7 or 8 individual land use categories that further define the Rural Buffer. <br /> He said the Rural Buffer is just a term, and it actually incorporates the University Lake <br /> Watershed area, the resource protection areas, and public/private open space areas. <br /> Chair Jacobs said the simple way to put it is that the Rural Buffer is the set, and those <br /> are all of the subsets. <br /> Michael Harvey said that is correct, and he referred to the map and said the specificity <br /> is spelled out on pages 57 through the land use plan. <br /> Chair Jacobs asked if this is only discussing that one land use. <br /> Michael Harvey said this is not really discussing any land use; this text amendment <br /> adds the agricultural support enterprises as being allowed in the rural buffer category. <br /> Chair Jacobs said he does not understand why the rural buffer is defined as single <br /> family residential at the top of page 6. <br />