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funding for the share of the road previously-appropriated. Approximately$429,000 <br /> remains from the original park funds. <br /> PUBLIC COMMENT: <br /> Allen Green is a member of Parks and Recreation Advisory Board, and he relayed an <br /> experience from a recent trip to Western Australia. He said he and his son hiked 600 miles, <br /> and the key was the connectivity and the network of trails between the towns and camping <br /> spaces. He said this gave him a vision for what Orange County could be like. He said there is <br /> a lot to see in this area, and he could see the greenways and Mountains to Sea Trail being <br /> used in this way. He said more connectivity will mean a healthier population. <br /> Commissioner Rich said survey data showed that the public wanted more walking and <br /> hiking trails. She said a similar survey with the Town of Chapel Hill showed this same need. <br /> Dave Stancil agreed that this is a shared interest. <br /> Commissioner Price said as this plan continues, the community centers need to be <br /> open and accessible more often. She said staff is getting there with the notion of partnering <br /> and working with non-profits and schools in the area. <br /> Commissioner Price said she has some concerns with costs associated with use of the <br /> facilities. She referenced the $25 fee for use of the basketball court and asked if these costs <br /> are for groups. <br /> Dave Stancil said this is to reserve the court for personal use. He said anyone can do <br /> pick up play for free. <br /> Commissioner porosin said this plan is comprehensive; but the view is very general, <br /> and it would be more useful for him and residents to see a more micro view of what will <br /> happen over the next 5 years. He said for example, it would be useful to have a supplement <br /> that outlines specific programs planned for each park, and the timeline for these programs. He <br /> said this is a way of highlighting the work that is being done. He said this plan gives good <br /> detail of the administrative work that has been done, and this is good; however the community <br /> wants to know when things are going to be put in place and ready to use. He said turning from <br /> abstract to practical is critical. <br /> Dave Stancil said this is a logical next step, and staff will try to have these answers at <br /> the next presentation of this item. <br /> Chair Jacobs agreed with Commissioner porosin. He said if there is going to be a bond <br /> in 2016, staff needs to provide information on items to be funded. He said there are no pre- <br /> approved plans for either the Julia Blackwood Farm or the Kirby property. He said there has <br /> been discussion with Chapel Hill about having soccer fields at Julia Blackwood farm, and he <br /> feels it is important to work with the municipalities to provide services. He thinks it would be <br /> timely to see plans for the short term. He noted that extension of Orange Grove Road will wipe <br /> out the Hillsborough Youth Athletic Association (HYAA) ball fields. He said this extension is a <br /> high priority project for the Town of Chapel Hill, but there needs to be conversation with <br /> Hillsborough about how to partner and possibly re-visit the plan for Fairview Park or the Collins <br /> property. <br /> He said the Greene Tract has also not been addressed. He said the County made a <br /> commitment to protect this acreage, and this has not been put into the plans. He would like to <br /> see all of these things come back in the short term in preparation for the bond in 2016. <br /> Chair Jacobs referred to Allen Green's comments and said there was vision for a trail <br /> system from the southern part of the County all the way to Eno River State Park and Chapel <br /> Hill is dedicating a greenway on Saturday morning. He said the bond package in 2001 had <br />