Minutes 05-27-2014
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes 05-27-2014
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Last modified
11/24/2015 11:28:11 AM
Creation date
9/5/2014 8:34:00 AM
Meeting Type
Public Hearing
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As the Chair has already alluded, this application is a Class A special use permit. The <br /> review if this permit is held in a quasi-judicial format, meaning all parties for and against the <br /> application provide sworn testimony as well as competent material and substantial evidence on <br /> the merits of the proposal. The applicant, according to our regulations, ultimately has the <br /> burden of demonstrating that the project complies with the provisions of the UDO. Anyone <br /> opposing this application is required to demonstrate through sworn testimony and competent <br /> material evidence that the project does not comply with the ordinance. You will remember from <br /> past meetings, hearsay and unsubstantiated opinions are not sufficient testimony. What I will <br /> remind the Board is if the applicant proves compliance with the applicable standards of the <br /> ordinance, and there is no evidence it the record demonstrating that the project does not comply <br /> with the regulations, then the permit must be issued. <br /> The review process is as follows. We are in step 1. This is the review of the application <br /> at a joint quarterly public hearing by the County Commissioners and the Planning Board. The <br /> BOCC will be asked to —or is going to adjourn the public hearing to a date time certain, in order <br /> to receive the Planning Board recommendation. Step 2 is the review of the application by the <br /> full Planning Board, who is going to make a recommendation on the application, based on the <br /> evidence and testimony entered into record. What I would like to remind everybody is that the <br /> Planning Board is currently scheduled to meet and begin review of this item at their June 4 and <br /> July 2 regular meetings. These meetings convene at 7 o'clock and are held at the west campus <br /> office building —the Planning Department Building, at 131 West Margaret Lane in the main <br /> conference room on the lower level. Step 3 will be the re-convening of the public hearing to <br /> receive the Planning Board recommendation. As you will note, no additional public comment or <br /> testimony is accepted at this hearing. This is specifically to allow the Board to receive the <br /> Planning Board recommendation as well as any additional written testimony that has been <br /> offered into the record. You will then take action on this proposal based on evidence entered <br /> into the record this evening, as well as other written testimony introduced to the Planning Board. <br /> Our initial review, which we have covered on pages 5, 6 and 7 of the abstract, is the <br /> applicant has submitted documentation required for the review of this project. They have <br /> submitted required documentation for a Class A special use permit, as outlined within section <br /> 2.7.3, and staff will indicate that there are goals, objectives and policies within the <br /> comprehensive plan lending credence to the viability of the proposal. I will also point out to the <br /> Board, that on page 7 we provide an assessment that this project appears consistent with the <br /> various goals outlined within the joint planning land use plan. You will also note on page 8, we <br /> have submitted this (application), per the joint planning agreement we have, to the Town of <br /> Chapel Hill for review and comment. As of this time, we have not received any comments from <br /> the Town of Chapel Hill, so we are obviously moving forward with the project. <br /> The recommendation, as detailed in our abstract, is that you: receive this application; <br /> you conduct the public hearing and accept public, County Commissioner, and Planning Board <br /> comments; you refer the matter to the Planning Board with a request that a recommendation be <br /> returned to you in time for your September 16�2014 regular meeting; and that you adjourn the <br /> public hearing until that date, in order to receive and accept the Planning Board <br /> recommendation as well as any additional submitted written comments on the project. <br /> Mr. Chair, with your indulgence, I would like to turn it over to the applicant. <br /> Chair Jacobs: The attorney. <br /> Michael Harvey: I'll turn it over to the attorney. Thank you, sir. <br />
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