Minutes 05-22-2014
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes 05-22-2014
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Last modified
11/24/2015 11:27:02 AM
Creation date
9/5/2014 8:28:08 AM
Meeting Type
Budget Sessions
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OC schools have had very little increase in budget over the past six years, when our area has <br /> experienced great growth. I know the CHCCS have already absorbed $11 million in cuts over <br /> the last 10 years. There is nothing left to trim without slashing substantive services to <br /> instruction which will hurt students. <br /> As a property owner and taxpayer, I want to see a raise in the property tax rate to fully fund all <br /> schools in Orange County. <br /> Many thanks for your service, <br /> Emily Moseley <br /> From: Claire Nelson <br /> Phone Number: <br /> Message: <br /> I have taught third grade in the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools for 18 years. Every year tough <br /> decisions have to be made regarding the budget. Chapel Hill has a diverse population of <br /> students all with legitimate needs. Our service needs are different from other districts. The <br /> demands are ever increasing. Classroom teachers need those additional resource and <br /> specialist positions to help us meet the needs of ALL our students. Please consider fully funding <br /> the budget request for the 2014-15 school year. <br /> Sincerely, <br /> Claire Nelson <br /> From: Alice Chuang Ivester <br /> Phone Number: 9196362749 <br /> Message: <br /> Dear Board of County Commissioners, <br /> I am writing to plead with you to fund the Chapel Hill 2014-2015 school budget. I understand <br /> that financially you have to make difficult decisions. I work as an educator and physician at <br /> UNC, and we are faced with some of the same decisions daily for patient care and for our <br /> medical student programs. It is hard sometimes to step forward and advocate, but because this <br /> is my job I try to remember that the best decisions are the ones that benefit my students and my <br /> patients first. <br /> I am proud to say that my child attends Chapel Hill public school. When I explain this to our <br /> physician friends who live elsewhere, they don't understand why our child goes to public school. <br /> I explain it very simply. Chapel Hill schools are excellent. Chapel Hill schools are diverse. <br /> Chapel Hill schools provide my child (and soon second child this fall) with a myriad of <br /> opportunities that I did not have going to private school growing up. Gifted education, music <br /> education, special needs education, arts education, language education...all of this is important <br /> and contributes to our NATIONAL reputation for having excellent schools. <br /> Our service needs are different from other districts and because this has always been <br /> recognized by you, we have been able to maintain this reputation of excellence. Please <br /> approve our budget so we can continue our diverse excellent educational programs. <br /> Regards, <br /> Alice Chuang, MD <br /> Associate Professor <br /> UNC School of Medicine <br /> From: Jennifer Carbrey <br />
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