Orange County NC Website
Sincerely, <br /> Virginia Purcell <br /> From: Jessica Sherrieb <br /> Phone Number: 9194380623 <br /> Message: <br /> I am writing to respectfully ask that the Commissioners fully fund the CHCCS schools. I am a <br /> parent of two children in CHCCS schools and a rising Kindergartner. My family moved to Chapel <br /> Hill in part for the excellent schools and we are in favor of increased taxes to pay for them. <br /> Thank you for your time. <br /> Sincerely, <br /> Jessica Sherrieb <br /> From: Marissa Elk <br /> Phone Number: 919-904-4355 <br /> Message: <br /> Dear County Commissioners, <br /> I am writing to express my wholehearted support of the proposed budget, including a tax <br /> increase as needed to fully fund the CHCCS budget. As the mother of 2 school-age and 1 <br /> soon-to-be school age child, I can tell you that we moved here a little over a year ago based <br /> largely on the strength of the school system. Despite having family in Raleigh, we chose to buy <br /> a house in Chapel Hill so that our children could benefit from what we feel is a superior public <br /> school education. Just as we try to shop at Chapel Hill businesses and attend local activities, <br /> we are fully supportive of the school system and would happily pay even more in taxes than we <br /> already do to maintain as high a level of quality as possible in the school system. <br /> I ask you as strongly as possible to approve the budget as proposed. <br /> Regards, <br /> Marissa Elk <br /> From: Laura Morgan <br /> Phone Number: 9196244946 <br /> Message: <br /> Dear County Commissioners, <br /> i am writing as an advocate of our schools and our county. Please look carefully at this budget <br /> and fully fund our schools. It appears it is time for a tax increase - but only to fund our schools. <br /> There is nothing more important than our schools and children. <br /> Thank you for your consideration. <br /> Laura Morgan <br /> From: Emily Moseley <br /> Phone Number: 919-932-8507 <br /> Message: <br /> Dear Commissioners: As you know, recent state budget cuts have put our schools in the <br /> terrible position of being underfunded, even with just continuation budgets. The CHCCS and <br />