Orange County NC Website
will have to be made. Cuts that will impact every student. Cuts that will impact the lives and <br /> livelihoods of staff inembers that work, live and pay taxes in Orange County. <br /> We call on the Board of County Commissioners to think creatively to determine the most <br /> efficacious way to fully fund the budget requests of our school districts. This may mean raising <br /> taxes, cutting costs in other areas, or some combination of the two. We trust in your ability to <br /> make the best decisions for the County. <br /> The parents, teachers and students of Orange County Schools and Chapel Hill / Carrboro City <br /> Schools look forward to the Board of County Commissioner's decision to fully fund our schools, <br /> and thank you for your demonstrated commitment to growth and value in our community by your <br /> continued support of public education in Orange County. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> CHCCS PTA Council <br /> From: Karen Herpel <br /> Phone Number: 216.286.7758 <br /> Message: <br /> Thank you for your past support and dedication to provide full funding for the CHCCS school <br /> district. I am asking you to continue this support and support Orange County Schools' full <br /> funding request as well. I know this will require a tax increase, possibly one higher than you <br /> have asked of citizens before, but I firmly believe that you have the public's support and the <br /> support of the business community who has gone on record stating their support. Without <br /> excellent schools, you do not have an excellent community. At a time when the state has turned <br /> it's back on public education, we must all come together and weather the storm, we cannot let <br /> our schools suffer and our students and teachers academic needs and morale decline. If there <br /> was ever a time to raise our taxes it is now. We must also reach out to other counties and band <br /> together to make changes at the state level. Without people in the legislature who understand <br /> what a strong public education system means to us! <br /> the economic vitality of a state and the future if it's citizenry we will be in this same position of <br /> having to make painful instructional cuts to both districts, cuts that will be detrimental, cuts that <br /> will have long lasting effects; our region will not thrive if this is the path we go down. <br /> Please fully fund both Chapel hill-Carrboro and Orange counties' requests and help us make <br /> changes at the state level. <br /> Thank you. <br /> From: Kim Eheman <br /> Phone Number: 919-260-0069 <br /> Message: <br /> I fully support legitimate and appropriate education in Chapel Hill, Orange County and beyond. <br /> Please increase our tax rate so we can secure the future for the children of our community. <br /> Sincerely, <br /> Kim Eheman <br /> Resident of Chapel Hill <br /> From: Virginia Purcell <br /> Phone Number: <br /> Message: <br /> Please fully fund the Chapel Hill school budget for 2014-2015! Our children's futures depend on <br /> it! The gifted specialists improve education for the entire classroom not just individual students!! <br />