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The fact that we are losing talented teachers to other states and other professions is very real. <br /> Two of my daughter's middle school teachers (Great teachers!) have left during this school year. <br /> If we continue to chip away at teacher support as we add more responsibilities (and more <br /> testing) and freeze their salaries, we can't expect any different results. We hire quality teachers <br /> not martyrs, not superheroes, not dummies. <br /> I know that you have been very supportive of education, and I am proud of our reputation of <br /> having some of the best schools in the State. Our great schools have drawn many people and <br /> businesses to this area, but we can't continue these cuts year after year without them having an <br /> impact. I really believe we are at a tipping point, and that we have to find a way to fully fund our <br /> schools. <br /> I know that you are faced with many tough budget decisions, and I appreciate your service to <br /> our community! I know that much of this issue stems from decisions made by our legislature <br /> and cuts to education made at the State level. Be assured, I am contacting my elected State <br /> officials with my concerns as well. <br /> Thanks for your consideration. <br /> Respectfully, <br /> Melissa Maloney <br /> From: Andrea Richardson <br /> Phone Number: 919-537-8432 <br /> Message: <br /> To the County Commissioners <br /> Please commit to education in North Carolina! <br /> This is the most important issue and it is up to you to act. <br /> The future of North Carolina depends on our children. Without a solid education our children will <br /> face a bleak future where they cannot successfully compete for jobs and the welfare of our <br /> population will be in peril. My husband and I are both scientists, we live in the Chapel Hill <br /> Carrboro School district, and we cherish our children's education. This last year we were thrilled <br /> that our eldest son has become very motivated to excel in school and it's due in large part to his <br /> wonderful 5th grade teacher, Kalie Norton. She is bright and dedicated and has fully engaged all <br /> the children in her class. We was such a refreshing change after having seen our son struggle <br /> with less than stellar teachers who only go through the motions without passion or joy. You see, <br /> while we currently have some fantastic and talented teachers we do have some lackluster <br /> teachers. Students with poor teachers suffer because they lose interest in school resulting in <br /> almost certain academic failure. ! <br /> We cannot afford to lose our great teachers. Ms. Norton's job is so vital to our son's future as <br /> well as the state's future. <br /> If we suffer more budget cuts we will lose our most talented and vital teachers, like Ms. Norton. <br /> As the best teachers leave so will the families. North Carolina will suffer a brain drain. Ignoring <br /> our children's education by implementing shortsighted budget cuts will have lasting harmful <br /> consequences. <br /> In closing, we appreciate your public service during such a tough fiscal time. Please prioritize <br /> education by raising teacher pay to the national average and fully fund our schools budget <br /> request! <br />