Orange County NC Website
THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC COMMENTS WERE RECEIVED VIA EMAIL: <br /> From: Bridget Mora <br /> Dear Chairman Jacobs and Board of County Commissioners: <br /> I am writing to urge you to make fully funding all Orange County schools (OCS and CHCCS) <br /> your top budget priority this year. Our public schools are the heart of our community; not only for <br /> the students, parents, and teachers, but also for the businesses that requires an educated <br /> workforce and the community that needs the next generation of leaders to keep our county <br /> vibrant. <br /> The BOCC has a long tradition of supporting our public schools, for which I thank you. Our <br /> public schools need your help more than ever - even as enrollment grows and state mandates <br /> increase, our state funding has dropped, our fund balances have been exhausted, and the grant <br /> monies have been spent. You are the last line of defense, and the citizens of Orange County <br /> are counting on you. <br /> Please do whatever it takes to fully fund the budget requests of Orange County Schools and <br /> Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools. If it means raising taxes, cutting other programs, or some <br /> other creative means, fully funding the schools must be our county priority right now. We trust <br /> you to make wise decisions about how to fund the requests. <br /> Once again, thank you for your ongoing commitment to high quality public education in Orange <br /> County, and for your service on the Board. <br /> Respectfully, <br /> Bridget Mora <br /> Co-Chair, Special Needs Advisory Council for Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools <br /> From: Renate Deckner <br /> I am kindly asking the BOCC to fund the FULL budget request of both CHCCS and Orange <br /> County Schools. <br /> We are depending on the BOCC to fund our schools. I do believe in their commitment to <br /> education in our community and their ability to think creatively about how to fund our schools. <br /> Please do whatever it takes to make full funding happen. I would be happy to pay more taxes if <br /> that is what it takes to ensure quality education for our kids. <br /> From: <br /> Anne Beaven <br /> 109 Braswell Rd. <br /> Chapel Hill <br /> I am writing to urge you to continue current funding to our schools and even to look for ways to <br /> increase funding. The good reputation of the Chapel Hill School systems is a huge draw for <br /> young families to move to CH. If the funding continues to drop and poorly paid teachers <br /> continue to leave then the town will no longer have this advantage. <br /> I have a 5 year old son who will be starting at the Chapel public schools next year. I live in CH <br /> because of the reputation of the schools. This means that I commute to Durham and my <br /> spouse commutes to RTP, which is a lot of wasted time driving when we could live closer. I <br />