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He said the County Department of Social Services and the schools have worked out an <br /> agreement for schools to hire social workers, given the loss of state revenue. This will ensure <br /> that services are not lost. <br /> Clarence Grier reviewed the pie chart on County expenditures and noted that education <br /> is the largest expenditure at 48.7 percent. He said this is the percentage of the total budget <br /> and not the general fund revenues alone. <br /> He said the necessary tax increase to fully fund the Chapel Hill Carrboro City Schools' <br /> requests would be 2.7 cents, and it would be 2.32 cents to fully fund the Orange County <br /> schools. <br /> Clarence Grier said the total amount for the County Capital Investment Plan would be <br /> $22,816,805. He said this includes county capital projects, special revenue fund (article 46 <br /> sales tax), proprietary capital projects, and schools capital projects. <br /> Clarence Grier reviewed the concerns and issues for the 2015-16 fiscal year. He said <br /> there are $330 million in older school needs. He said there is an increase of 14.5 percent in <br /> the health insurance costs this year. He said there is a liability of$63 million dollars for the <br /> post employment insurance benefit for retirees. He said this is fully funded by setting aside $3 <br /> million per year, and he would recommend that this practice continue. <br /> He noted the revaluation coming in 2017. He said the state currently does a <br /> calculation of property values versus property sales. He said the current County tax valuation <br /> numbers are 5.5 percent over the sales price. He said that would equate to a 4.42 cent <br /> property tax increase if the revaluation occurred now. <br /> Clarence Grier said the general fund revenues are expanding, but more and more of <br /> the fund balance is being used to balance the budget. He said the gap continues to get larger <br /> and a mechanism needs to be found to reduce this. He reviewed numbers from the chart for <br /> the FY 2015-16 Budget. He noted that this budget would bring the budget over the general <br /> fund target of 48.1 percent. He said there is an expected increase of$600,000 in the debt <br /> service. He said this puts the expected adjustments to expenditures at $2,605,431, and the <br /> estimated preliminary expenses for 2015-16 at $198,243,936. He said this would be a <br /> shortage of$3,934,185, which would mean a potential property tax increase of 2.49 cents. <br /> Michael Talbert thanked the departments for putting together a very conservative <br /> budget that maximizes the service to citizens. <br /> He said the schools asked for $750,000 in planning funds for upcoming older schools <br /> construction. He felt this was premature without priorities or a schedule from the Board. He <br /> said if this was to happen sometime mid-year, it would be reasonable to go back and establish <br /> planning funds for both school systems <br /> Commissioner Gordon asked for an explanation on the target percentages for schools. <br /> She asked for an explanation of what is and is not included in that target percent and how the <br /> school capital projects relate to this. <br /> Clarence Grier said the 48.1 percent target for schools is comprised of current <br /> expenses, long range and recurring capital, and fair funding. He said the current expense is <br /> $67 million; the recurring and long range capital is about $6.7 million; and the fair funding is <br /> $988,000 divided equally between both school districts. He said the County debt service for <br /> schools is $16.6 million. He said those make up the 48.1 percent target of the general fund <br /> revenues. He said the general fund revenues total $187,131,286, and that is the determining <br /> factor for the 48.1 percent target, which would be $90 million. He said the fund balance is not <br /> a component of this because it is not a general fund revenue. <br /> Commissioner Gordon asked if school capital projects numbers are figured in to the <br /> 48.1 percent target. <br /> Clarence Grier said yes. <br />