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James Davis said this is a loan pool, and the money covers the entire umbrella of what <br /> they can max. He said a certain number of properties must be proposed, but that number can <br /> be exceeded. He said properties may require a lesser amount of rehab, and that will allow for <br /> more projects than originally proposed. He said there are also change orders that may come <br /> in after projects are proposed, so they feel safest with three. <br /> Commissioner porosin said he thinks, in the policies in d-1, the priority should be a <br /> higher number of houses repaired with a lower targeted rate. He said he would rather see <br /> them do 10 houses at $17,000 than just 2 or 3 houses that need $45,000 in repairs. He said <br /> the Board may need to talk about this policy. <br /> Commissioner porosin said the program guidelines also talk about prioritizing families <br /> with children under age 6. He said Orange County's priority ranking (page 4) does not <br /> prioritize families with children in its scoring system. He feels this should be a priority at least <br /> equal to the elderly. He is wondering why it is not. <br /> James Davis said these priority rankings are from the housing finance agency. He said <br /> while there may be priorities that can be set for things that come out of the County's general <br /> fund, these are monies from the housing finance agency, and this requires compliance with the <br /> agency's rankings. He referred to the idea of focusing on more properties with lower cost and <br /> said it has been difficult to get properties that come in under $40,000 that meet all of the other <br /> criteria. He said this is because the entire structure must meet a certain qualification for a <br /> rehab, unlike an urgent repair. <br /> Commissioner porosin said he would be interested in either the Board or the Affordable <br /> Housing Advisory Board (AHAB) giving feedback to the finance agency regarding the County's <br /> priorities, or at least requesting more information on how the priorities are set. <br /> Chair Jacobs suggested approving this item with direction to refer the matter to the <br /> AHAB for additional examination on how to use the remainder of the funds to address more <br /> properties within the parameters set by the housing finance agency. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner porosin, seconded by Commissioner McKee to <br /> adopt the Assistance, Procurement and Disbursement Policies for the 2014 Single Family <br /> Housing Rehabilitation Program funded by the N.C. Housing Finance Agency and authorize <br /> the Chair to sign, with direction to refer the matter to the AHAB for additional examination on <br /> how to use the remainder of the funds to address more properties within the parameters set by <br /> the housing finance agency. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> a. Minutes <br /> The Board approved the minutes from both meetings on March 27, 2014 as submitted <br /> by the Clerk to the Board. <br /> b. Approval of Budqet Amendment#8-A Appropriatinq Unassiqned Fund Balance <br /> from the Solid Waste Enterprise Fund for Additional Landfill Closure Costs and <br /> Purchase of 19,500 Urban Roll Carts <br /> The Board approved Budget Amendment#8-A appropriating $1,456,555 in Unassigned <br /> Fund Balance from the Solid Waste Enterprise Fund for the additional Landfill closure costs <br /> and the purchase of 19,500 roll carts related to the Urban Curbside Recycling program. <br /> 7. Reqular Aqenda <br />