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Perdita Holtz said staff is asking for a study to be done to determine if there is water <br /> flow available on the property for the use. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said this has been discussed, and she feels confident that this <br /> can be calculated. She thinks it is important to keep this analysis in there. She said this <br /> County is fortunate to have a pure water supply, but there is not a lot of water. She said the <br /> point was made in the public hearing that it would be important to find out if the use was <br /> comparable to a residential use. She said she lives in an area that does not have a lot of <br /> groundwater, and this would be important in areas like that. She urged the Board to keep this <br /> requirement. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said she is concerned in some cases about the intensity and <br /> size of the uses, particularly with the Agricultural Support Enterprises Conditional Zoning ASE- <br /> CZ. She said the point was to be more flexible with the standards. She said in some cases it <br /> has gotten a little more flexible and a little less predictable. She has general concerns of that <br /> nature, but she feels the general concept of agricultural support enterprises is a worthy one. <br /> Commissioner Gordon noted for future reference, that the R-1 zoning is not included in <br /> Agricultural Support Enterprises outside of the rural buffer. <br /> Commissioner Price referred back to the water issue and said she agrees that it is <br /> important to know. She is concerned about how much it will cost to do a study and how it will <br /> affect others in the vicinity. She questioned whether it will be helping or hurting people to <br /> require a study that could cost thousands of dollars. <br /> Perdita Holtz said when staff spoke with potential consultants the answer was $3000 to <br /> $6000 for a simple study and up to $20,000 for an extensive study. <br /> Commissioner Price noted that the outside storage cannot be in the front of the building <br /> but could be at the side. She asked how this will work. She said this is on page 74 in the <br /> packet. <br /> Perdita Holtz said this means outdoor storage would not be allowed in the front of a <br /> building between the building and road. She said storage would be allowed from the front <br /> building line backwards to the rear yard, and this is meant to limit unsightly storage in the front <br /> of buildings. She said for the purposes of zoning, the front yard is defined as the area <br /> between the road and the building, regardless of the direction the building faces. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier said she hopes that the Board will pass this item, since it has <br /> been around since 2001. She said some of the advisory boards have lost faith in the County. <br /> She hopes that the passage of this might redeem the Board and the County. She hopes that if <br /> this passes the Board would find a way to let the community know that this is opening up rural <br /> Orange County for more entrepreneurship related to agriculture and food. <br /> Chair Jacobs agreed with Commissioner Pelissier's comments. He said this has been <br /> adjusted several times to make it more feasible in every possible way. He is pleased that this <br /> is moving on a parallel track with similar uses in the rural buffer. He said residents were <br /> promised 30 years ago that they would not be disadvantaged by being zoned rural buffer. He <br /> said it has taken a little while but the Board is now at the threshold of fulfilling an obligation and <br /> creating opportunities. He said he hopes that the planning department will monitor the effect <br /> of the water analysis costs and let the Board of County Commissioners know if changes are <br /> needed. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Pelissier, seconded by Commissioner Rich to: <br /> adopt the Ordinance for Agricultural Support Enterprises as outlined in Attachment 2 which <br /> approves the amendments. <br /> VOTE: 6-1 (Commissioner Gordon) <br />