Orange County NC Website
16 years to earn $40K <br /> 2008-09 6th year teacher earns $36,670 <br /> 2013-14 6th year teacher earns $31,220 <br /> Adjusting for inflation average salary has decreased 15% over past ten years <br /> CHCCS turnover = 14.6% <br /> Note: Based on Bachelors Salary Schedule <br /> RespectforTeachers? <br /> -Elimination of masters pay <br /> -25% receive $500 in exchange for relinquishing tenure <br /> -Salary proposal left veteran teachers out <br /> -Increased class sizes <br /> -Reduction in support <br /> -Declining Medical Benefits <br /> Local Support for Teachers <br /> -Local Supplement <br /> -Public School Foundation <br /> -Mentoring <br /> -Teacher of Color Support Group <br /> -Teacher Assistants <br /> -Volunteers <br /> Todd LoFrese said the district has had steady enrollment growth since well before <br /> 2008-09 and continues to grow each year. He said this requires the addition of classrooms, <br /> teachers and eventually new schools. <br /> Referring to the Unassigned Fund Balance slide, Todd LoFrese said three years ago <br /> the Board of Education developed a three year strategy and communicated to the Board of <br /> Commissioners where things stood with respect to the fund balance. He said the fund balance <br /> was being used to hold off teacher assistant and professional development reductions <br /> occurring at the state level, called the discretionary reduction. He said better economic times <br /> have come, but not for public education. He said the discretionary reductions were eliminated; <br /> however this was done by making permanent funding formula changes. He said the district <br /> lost 40 teacher positions that it would have otherwise been entitled to. He said, in essence, <br /> the state increased class sizes and cut the equivalent of 25 teacher assistants to the district. <br /> He said these positions were being held with fund balance, and in this year's budget those <br /> positions were retained using $2.2 million in fund balance. <br /> He noted the fund balance reductions outlined on the slide and said it is clear that there <br /> will not be fund balance available for next year. He said this means difficult reductions will <br /> have to be made, or additional revenues will be needed to balance the budget. <br /> Todd LoFrese referred to the bar graph outlining mandated cost increases since 2007. <br /> He said there have been significant cost increases each year, ranging from a high of over $2 <br /> million to a low of$343,000. He said since the great recession of 2009-10, state revenues <br /> have been declining, and County officials have struggled to make up for those differences. He <br /> said increases at the local level were relatively flat. He said tough choices have been made <br /> and there have been reductions upward of$5 million in local budget expenses. He said <br /> enrollment continues to grow, but revenues have not. <br />