Minutes 04-08-2014
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes 04-08-2014
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Last modified
11/24/2015 11:21:22 AM
Creation date
9/5/2014 8:14:08 AM
Meeting Type
Work Session
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Agenda - 04-08-2014 - Agenda
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Chair Jacobs said Commissioner Price did a great job in stating her case, but the other <br /> Commissioners have different ideas. He said if this is going to be brought before the whole <br /> Board, then it is open to everyone's ideas. He said if this is going to go forward there needs to <br /> be consensus on what the group wants to do. He said this was a great start, and there is <br /> obviously a galaxy of issues to be discussed around the original focus. He said this can start <br /> with the resolution at the next meeting and then include the other items mentioned by <br /> Commissioner porosin, which are consistent with items discussed at the retreat. He said these <br /> can be synthesized and used to give staff more direction. <br /> Commissioner Rich asked if the HRC has a poverty task force. <br /> Staff answered no. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said she wanted to clarify what she wants to do. She said she <br /> wanted to take input at this meeting. She said she does want a commission, but there is no <br /> consensus on that, so now she wants to define the issues and move forward in another <br /> direction to address this. <br /> 2. Decision Items for the Unified Animal Control Ordinance <br /> Bob Marotto reviewed the following background information: <br /> The Board most recently discussed the proposed unified animal control ordinance at its <br /> October 4, 2013 meeting. There was appreciation for the effort of Animal Services staff and <br /> the Animal Services Advisory Board (ASAB) and the overall effort to create a more coherent <br /> and comprehensible animal control code for Orange County residents. At the same time, the <br /> Board asked staff and the ASAB to further consider several particularly challenging issues <br /> arising from the ordinance and to return to the Board with recommendations for addressing <br /> and ideally resolving these 4 issues. <br /> Bob Marotto said the recommendations included in the abstract have been compiled <br /> based on substantial consultation with Professor Aimee Wall at the School of Government. He <br /> hopes the Board will find merit in what the group has done. He said the unified ordinance is a <br /> significant step forward for Orange County and a smarter form of government to allow for <br /> meaningful collaboration among different jurisdictions around a single flexible set of rules. He <br /> said there is significant confusion over what rules apply where in the County. <br /> He said the board is aware that these four issues were not the only issues that were of <br /> concern, but these seemed to be the most vexing issues. He said he speaks for staff and the <br /> advisory board in saying that this unified ordinance is the result of a significant amount of work. <br /> He said these four issues have caused the board to pause and reflect. He hopes these issues <br /> can be resolved in order to move the whole ordinance forward. <br /> Animal Services Advisory Board Chair Michelle Walker said the board has prepared a <br /> summary and a recommendation for of each of the four issues as follows: <br /> 1. Trespass: The issue of trespass is how to define trespass since a dog that bites a person <br /> who enters the dog owner's property may not be declared a vicious animal under the proposed <br /> ordinance if the bitten person is "trespassing". <br /> 2. Watchdog: There are additional exceptions to application of a vicious animal declaration for <br /> a dog that bites a person on the dog owner's property in the circumstance where a dog is <br /> acting in a security capacity. The formulation of one of those exceptions — if the dog is being a <br /> "watch dog" — concerns the need to recognize a necessary and lawful role for a dog watching <br /> over its owner's property. <br />
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