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Commissioner porosin said this is tremendous advance, and he suggested putting the <br /> flowchart chart in the ordinance. He thinks it is very useful and can be used to inform <br /> discretion. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said the chart is very helpful and should be used somehow. <br /> She asked how it would interact with this issue if people put up signs such as "no <br /> soliciting" or "no trespassing." <br /> Bob Marotto said this would indicate there is an absence of implied consent, and if <br /> someone entered the property, it would be willful trespassing and the dog would not be <br /> declared vicious if a bite were to occur. <br /> Michelle Walker said in the proposed ordinance there is a separate exception if a bite <br /> happens on the owner's property when signs are posted. <br /> Commissioner Gordon asked if this applies to "no soliciting." <br /> Bob Marotto said that bears on whether there is implied consent to enter the property, <br /> and it would indicate that there is not consent when people are soliciting, but it might not apply <br /> to a neighbor entering the property. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said it sounds like "no trespassing" is stronger. <br /> Commissioner Rich said this was very informative, and she feels that the board heard <br /> the Commissioner's comments and applied the fixes. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier echoed what Commissioner Rich said. She said a lot of work <br /> has gone into this and the concerns have been addressed. She also thinks the chart should <br /> go into the ordinance. <br /> Commissioner McKee said he appreciated the ASAB incorporating some of their <br /> comments and concerns. <br /> Chair Jacobs said it sounds like there is consensus on 3 of the 4 items, and there is <br /> work to be done on the appeals process. He said the Board appreciated the effort that has <br /> been put into getting this right. <br /> 3. Enerqy and Environmental Updates — CFE Renewable Enerqy Work Group; <br /> Environmental Responsibility; State of the Environment 2014 <br /> David Neal said this started when the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) <br /> received a letter from NC WARN recommending Orange County form an Alternative Energy <br /> Task Force. The BOCC referred this request to the Commission for the Environment (CfE) to <br /> consider the issues and report back to the BOCC, and CfE took this and proposed a <br /> workgroup that would be focused on both efficiency and renewable energy. <br /> He applauded the County for its leadership in making its buildings more energy <br /> efficient. He said the question now is how to take the lessons learned and get them out to the <br /> community to help businesses save on their energy bills. He would like to get the Board of <br /> County Commissioners' feedback to take back to the CfE. He said the hope is to make <br /> Orange County a leader in this effort and make this an engine of economic development in the <br /> County. <br /> Commissioner Gordon applauded the efforts to attack this issue. She asked how this <br /> would work within the CfE and whether the committee would be the organizer or convener. <br /> David Neal said the CfE as a whole would be the convener to invite people for <br /> discussions and partner with local entities. He said the group would also find out if there was <br /> anything in the current policies that would impede issues. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said the present committee would act as a host and liaison to <br /> CfE. She asked in terms of staffing, whether there would be separate meetings of the work <br /> group and whether AMS could help staff it. She said the Department of Environment, <br /> Agriculture, Parks and Recreation (DEAPR) has a lot of work to do, and the department might <br />