Agenda - 09-04-2014 - 7a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 09-04-2014 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 09-04-2014 - 7a
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6/8/2015 9:10:51 AM
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9/2/2014 12:25:22 PM
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Agenda Item
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Minutes 09-04-2014
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2010's\2014
RES-2014-056 Resolution Supporting Community Use of School Facilities for Recreation
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M <br />4. There is a public health aspect to providing recreational opportunities at <br />schools, since allowing for public use helps promote healthy lifestyles for children <br />and adults. <br />Key Issues <br />5. Though students must have priority during school hours, it appears that <br />opportunities exist for both organized public use and individual use after school <br />hours and on weekends. There could also be different policies for - indoor and <br />outdoor facilities (e.g., access to restroom facilities). <br />6. Because of the high volume of activity by interscholastic teams at the middle <br />school and high school levels, coordinating the use of facilities (gymnasiums, <br />fields) and activities with elementary schools would appear to offer the most <br />opportunity. Jurisdictions and the school systems should continue to explore <br />opportunities for co- location of facilities in the design of new schools and <br />renovations to older schools, with the financial participation of appropriate <br />entities /other jurisdictions. (For additional information on the co- location of <br />facilities, please see the attached document, "A Memorandum of Agreement for <br />Providing Coordinated Site and Facility Planning, along with adopting resolution <br />approved by Town of Carrboro on May 23, 2000.) <br />7. A way to balance the need for schools to cover the costs of facilities use and <br />the need for public access should be developed. One approach might be to <br />eliminate or at least lower usage charges for government and nonprofit use, after <br />determining an "actual cost" basis. Another approach is to allow the using <br />parties to secure oversight by designating a person within the organization to <br />take responsibility for opening and closing the facility. It is acknowledged that <br />there might be marginal cost increases associated with this additional use, not <br />already covered, that would need to be addressed. <br />8. Opportunities for limited individual access to school facilities that are often <br />_gated and closed should be examined, mindful of the need for the security and <br />safety of the facilities. <br />9. Criteria utilized for facility use decision - making may need to differ from school <br />to school. However, there should be an overall expectation that facilities will be <br />available for public use under specked conditions. <br />Examination of Current Policies <br />10. Policies that govern community use (both organized and individual) of school <br />facilities for recreation should be re- examined in light of these underlying <br />assumptions and key issues. The purpose of this examination should be to <br />change current policies so as to increase the use of school facilities by the <br />general public while continuing to meet the program and financial needs of the <br />
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