Agenda - 09-04-2014 - 6j
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 09-04-2014 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 09-04-2014 - 6j
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Last modified
6/8/2015 9:11:53 AM
Creation date
9/2/2014 11:54:20 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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Minutes 09-04-2014
(Linked From)
\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2010's\2014
RES-2014-048 Resolution for the Naming of the Cedar Grove Community Center
\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2010-2019\2014
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K <br />2.1.6 Official names or titles for property belonging to or leased by the County shall be based <br />upon geographical, historical, ecological, functional, or other such factors as the Board of <br />County Commissioners deems appropriate. If a geographical reference of locational <br />value is derived from the name of a person, such as a street name, it may be used in <br />naming County property. <br />a. A public building /facility under construction/renovation or land purchased <br />for park development or conservation/preservation will be given a "working <br />title" which will only become the official title of the property when formally <br />approved as such by the BOCC <br />b. Memorial naming of a public building, facility or land is in addition to the <br />official title of the building /facility /land and is bestowed in accordance with <br />Section 2.2 of this policy <br />c. Leased property naming will respect historical names that may already be <br />attached to the facility or as may be negotiated with the owner of the <br />building. <br />2.1.7 Exceptions to this policy of naming property belonging to the County may be made by <br />the Board of County Commissioners as it deems appropriate. <br />2.1.8 This policy does not apply to the naming of public streets, roads, alleys and other similar <br />thoroughfares. <br />2.1.9 This policy shall not be construed as the mechanism for selling the permanent naming <br />rights to County structures, buildings, facilities or land. <br />2.2. Memorial Naming ( in honor of a deceased individual) of Public Buildings, Facilities, or Land: <br />In the event Orange County wishes to honor a deceased individual by naming a public <br />building, facility or land after such an individual, the following shall apply: <br />2.2.1. The person who is being honored by such a memorial shall have made a significant <br />contribution to the well -being and betterment of Orange County. <br />2.2.2. The party requesting a memorial shall submit a brief biography of the person to Orange <br />County government for recording purposes. <br />2.2.3. The memorial naming of a public building, facility or land will be in addition to the <br />official name as defined in Section 2.1.6 of this policy. <br />2.2.4. Renaming a public building, facility or land which has previously been named in honor <br />of or in memorial to an individual shall only be done in extraordinary circumstances as <br />determined by the Board. <br />Prneedures <br />2.3. A public building /facility under construction/renovation or land purchased for park <br />development or conservation/preservation shall be given a "working title" by staff for easy <br />identification of the property. <br />
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