Agenda - 09-08-2014 - C5
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 09-08-2014 - Quarterly Public Hearing
Agenda - 09-08-2014 - C5
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Last modified
6/8/2015 9:41:24 AM
Creation date
9/2/2014 10:36:35 AM
Meeting Type
Public Hearing
Document Type
Agenda Item
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Minutes 09-08-2014 QPH
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2010's\2014
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IM <br />County staff and elected officials received comments during development of the <br />Comprehensive Plan (2008) and Unified Development Ordinance (2011) about the <br />perceived need to streamline and speed up decisions on applications. <br />• Analysis <br />As required under Section 2.8.5 of the Unified Development Ordinance, the Planning <br />Director is required to: `cause an analysis to be made of the application and, based <br />upon that analysis, prepare a recommendation for consideration by the Planning <br />Board and the Board of County Commissioners'. The following information is offered: <br />The topic of amending the current quarterly public hearing process was brought up <br />as part of the work on "Agricultural Support Enterprises" (ASE) because the pre -2010 <br />ASE work included a different approval process for ASE - related projects. The <br />September 9, 2013 BOCC work session (held at the end of the quarterly public <br />hearing) materials contain more information about this <br />topic: http:// orangecountync .gov /occierks /130909.pdf, including staff's concern about <br />having a different review process for only certain projects. The purpose of the work <br />session was to obtain BOCC input/direction on the public hearing process, which <br />staff received. There is not total agreement among BOCC members that the current <br />process should be changed. However, a majority of the BOCC directed staff to bring <br />forward proposed changes for public hearing and consideration. <br />Proposed Changes <br />The following changes to the public hearing process are being proposed: <br />• End the quarterly hearings for land use and planning - related matters and instead <br />have the BOCC designate a minimum of 8 meetings per year where Comprehensive <br />Plan, UDO, and Zoning Atlas amendments can be heard. The 8 meetings (minimum) <br />would be designated each Fall when the BOCC approves its meeting schedule for the <br />following calendar year; the public hearing dates could occur in conjunction with any <br />type of meeting on the BOCC calendar (regular, work session, etc.) — it would be at <br />the discretion of the BOCC each year. <br />o It should be noted that public hearings dates between the 10th and the 20th of <br />the month would generally provide the greatest level of efficiency from a <br />timing streamlining standpoint. This is because the Planning Board meets on <br />the first Wednesday of each month (with agenda materials distributed the last <br />Wednesday of each month). Designating public hearing dates mid -month <br />means that applications are not "sitting" waiting for further action, as could <br />happen if the public hearing is held early in the month, and it gives staff time <br />to research any issues that arise at the public hearing, something that is not <br />always possible to do when the hearing occurs late in the month since <br />Planning Board agenda distribution must occur on the last Wednesday of <br />each month. <br />o When designating meetings each year, the BOCC may wish to consider <br />designating meetings that are filmed and available on Granicus so that <br />interested people, including Planning Board members, can view the public <br />2 <br />
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