Orange County NC Website
(JPA) as the amendment will impact <br />projects in the Rural Buffer. Items <br />were sent on July 31, 2014. <br />At this time we have received no <br />written comments. During a meeting <br />with representatives of the Town of <br />Carrboro, however, they did not <br />express a concern over the proposal. <br />d. Notice Requirements <br />Legal advertisement will be published in accordance with the provisions of the <br />UDO. <br />e. Outreach: <br />❑ General Public: <br />❑ Small Area Plan Workgroup: <br />® Other: Staff will ask the County's current telecommunication consultant to <br />review and comment on the amendments as they relate to our <br />telecom program. <br />This review is part of their existing contract with the County and will <br />not result in additional cost. <br />3. FISCAL IMPACT <br />Modification of existing language will not require the outlay of additional funds by the <br />County. Processing of the amendment shall be handled by staff utilizing existing <br />budgeted funds. <br />The amendment will require that applicants absorb additional expenditures for <br />advertisement of the NIM (i.e. certified letters) for all SUP projects as well as their <br />attendance. The Orange County Fee Schedule will need to be amended to <br />incorporate these costs. <br />There will also be an increase in staff workload with respect to preparing, sending out <br />notices, and staffing the NIM potentially impacting Departmental budgetary outlays. <br />Staff is continuing to evaluate workload and needs as the process moves forward. <br />5 <br />