Orange County NC Website
A I- <br />"the sidewalk issue" is: http:// www. orangecountync .gov /OCCLERKS /1110062.pdf and <br />the Minutes from this work session can be found <br />at: http: / / 8088 /weblink8 /0 /doc /23818 /Page1.aspx. The current <br />proposal does not include a requirement for public sidewalks or private connecting <br />walkways. The current proposal includes requirements for private internal pedestrian <br />circulation systems for large projects (defined in the text). <br />3. Comprehensive Plan Linkage (i.e. Principles, Goals and Objectives) <br />Obiective LU -1.1: <br />Coordinate the location of higher intensity / high density residential and non - residential <br />development with existing or planned locations of public transportation, commercial and . <br />community services, and adequate supporting infrastructure (i.e., water and sewer, high- <br />speed internet access, streets, and sidewalks), while avoiding areas with protected <br />natural and cultural resources. This could be achieved by increasing allowable densities <br />and creating new mixed -use zoning districts where adequate public services are <br />available. (See also Economic Development Objectives ED -2.1, ED -2.3, ED -2.10, and <br />Water and Wastewater Objective WW -2.) <br />Objective LU -3.7. <br />Ensure that new development patterns in non - residential nodes encourage a clustered, <br />walkable development pattern and discourage strip development. <br />Objective LU -3.8: - -- - - -_ —� – - - - - -- - - - - -- <br />Develop a process for implementing small area plan recommendations through the <br />revision of County policies and regulations. <br />Objective LU -3.9: <br />Create new zoning district(s) which allow for a mixing of commercial and residential <br />uses, a mixing of housing types, and creates a more pedestrian friendly development <br />pattern. New districts should be applied in areas where public services exist or are <br />planned for in the future, in areas that promote higher intensity and high density uses on <br />the Future Land Use map. <br />Objective H -3.6: <br />Work within the Orange County government system to identify and resolve existing <br />policies which may be at odds with historic preservation goals, green building <br />approaches, and workforce and affordable housing efforts. (See also Cultural <br />Resources Objective CR -3 and Economic Development Objective ED -4.1.) <br />4. New Statutes and Rules - <br />Not applicable. <br />C. PROCESS <br />1. TIMEFRAME /MILESTONES /DEADLINES <br />a. BOCC Authorization to Proceed <br />June 19, 2012 (last year's proposal) - - - -� <br />3 <br />7 <br />