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10. <br /> §153A-241 ART. 12. ROADS AND BRIDGES §153A-241 <br /> No cause of action founded upon the invalidity of a proceeding <br /> taken in closing a public road or an easement may be asserted <br /> except in an action or proceeding begun within 30 days after the <br /> day the order is adopted. <br /> Upon the closing of a public road or an easement pursuant to this <br /> section, all right, title, and interest in the right-of-way is vested in <br /> those persons owning lots or parcels of land adjacent to the road or <br /> easement, and the title of each adjoining landowner, for the width <br /> of his abutting land, extends to the center line of the public road or <br /> easement. However, the right, title or interest vested in an adjoin- <br /> ing landowner by this paragraph remains subject to any public <br /> utility use or facility located on, over, or under the road or ease- <br /> ment immediately before its closing, until the landowner or any <br /> successor thereto pays to the utility involved the reasonable cost of <br /> removing and relocating the facility. (1949, c. 1208, ss. 1-3; 1957, c. <br /> 65, s. 11; 1965, cc. 665, 801; 1971, c. 595; 1973, c. 507, s. 5; c. 822, s. <br /> 1; 1977, c. 464, s. 34.) <br /> Local Modification. - Guilford: within the boundaries of a dedicated <br /> 1979, c. 282; 1981, c. 59. street when use of the street is discon- a <br /> Legal Periodicals. - For note dis- tinued, see 45 N.C.L. Rev. 564 (1967). <br /> cussing the disposition of property <br /> ,t! <br /> CASE NOTES <br /> Y• Editor's Note. - Some of the cases S.E.2d 309, cert. denied, 282 N.C. 151, <br /> cited below were decided under corre- 191 S.E.2d 601 (1972). <br /> sponding sections of former law. Restrictions on County's Power to <br /> Owners of property on a street Close a Way of Passage.-From this '( <br /> which is to be partially closed have section and§ 153A-239,it is clear that a <br /> an interest in the hearing on the re- county does not have the power to close I! <br /> quest to close the street. In re City of a way of passage which has not been <br /> It <br /> Washington, 15 N.C. App. 505, 190 dedicated to the public or in which the <br /> S.E.2d 309, cent. denied, 282 N.C. 151, public has not acquired rights by pre- <br /> :. 191 S.E.2d 601 (1972). scription. In re Easement of Right of <br /> Legislative Intent as to Giving No- Way,90 N.C. App. 303, 368 S.E.2d 639 <br /> .. (1988). <br /> tice. - The true legislative intent is i; <br /> that if a municipality wishes to close a The closing of a street must not de- <br /> street, or a part thereof, the notices re- Prive a property owner of reason- <br /> quired must be given. Such an intent if able ingress or egress. Wofford v. <br /> v fair and just,because it affords all inter- <br /> N.C. Carolina State Hwy.Comm'n,263 <br /> ' N.C. 677, 140 S.E.2d 376, cert. denied, <br /> ks ested parties an opportunity to be heard. 382 U.S. 822,86 S. Ct. 50, 15 L. Ed. 2d <br /> In re City of Washington, 15 N.C. App. 67 (1965). <br /> 505, 190 S.E.2d 309, cert. denied, 282 An individual may restrain the <br /> N.C. 151, 191 S.E.2d 601 (1972). wrongful obstruction of a public !� <br /> t Notice to Adjoining Property way,of whatever origin,if he will suffer <br /> Owners Not to Be Limited to Those injury thereby as distinct from the in- ! <br /> with Special.Interest - The statute convenience to the public generally,and i 4 <br /> requires notice by registered mail to the he may recover such special damages as <br /> •V owners of property adjoining the street <br /> he has sustained by reason of the ob- , <br /> to be closed who did not join in the re- struction. Wofford v. North Carolina <br /> quest for closing the street.The words of State Hwy. Comm'n, 263 N.C. 677, 140 <br /> the statute are clear and unequivocal. S.E.2d 376, cert. denied, 382 U.S. 822, <br /> £�. There is nothing-to indicate that only 86 S. Ct. 50, 15 L. Ed. 2d 67 (1965). <br /> those with a "special interest" must be Applied in Whitehead Community <br /> notified by registered mail.In re City of Club v. Hoppers,43-N.C. App. 671, 260 <br /> Washington, 15 N.C. App. 505, 190 S.E.2d 94 (1979). <br /> i <br /> 117 <br />